Posts Tagged «jenny craig»

Carrie Fisher has had a “big, loud life”. Well, not anymore. Yesterday Carrie achieved her goal of losing 50 pounds, thanks to Jenny Craig. Here she is in all her glory looking like she did twenty years ago, when we first met. As an ex-fatty, I know too well the trials and tribulations of having to lose a third of your body weight. In my junior year of high school I dropped 60 pounds on the Dr. Atkins Diet. So, when Carrie set out to take back her life and her youthful figure, it was a joy to cheer-lead her… Read More »

Carrie Fisher To Win By Losing
Carrie Fisher, who has battle demons far more terrifying than Darth Vader, is about to hack off a bunch of L-Bs, proving that God loves her. I mean come on. She is brilliant, multi-talented and gets to secure her place in pop culture icon-hood by going to where no man…or woman has gone. Beyond Kirstie Alley. Funny enough, on the day Jenny Craig announced Carrie’s involvement as spokesmodel, Kirstie turned 60 years old. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Carrie has confronted many scenarios that would challenge anyone. She is a fighter and will soon enough be dancing all the way… Read More »