Posts Tagged «Kris Humphries»

A Kardashian source told Gatecrasher in New York Daily News that Kim Kardashian would “live and breathe to hang out with Beyoncé.” Well, duh. You don’t have to be an insider to tell us something so obvi. Anyway, here’s how that all went down.… Read More »

Two snaps up to Katy Perry for landing uber-hottie, Baptiste Giabiconi during Paris Fashion Week. Now that is a solid ‘fuck you’ to her ex-nudnik, Russell Brand, a pairing was nauseating from the star. Eswpecially with their two-thousand-day wedding in India minutes after they met. That was kind of a PR scam coupling along the lines of the Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries. Maybe I am being too harsh on Katy. Not to be out-shined, Russell Brand also snagged a model toot suite. Some Canadian slag that ran to chat with Life & Style magazine. “He’s amazing, so funny; he’s… Read More »

Days of Kim’s Lives…Kim Says Kris Humphries Is What, Miss Thing?
As the continuing saga of Kris & Kim continues to veer off the course of respectability, the dishy new headline is, Kim Claims That Kris Is Gay in Star magazine, that bastion of truth. The name for this episode is As The Stomach Turns, Episode 4, Say What, Miss Thing?… Read More »

As The Stomach Turns, Episode 3, Oh Yeah?… Read More »

What did I tell you? Three weeks ago, when the Breaking Newzzz of Kim Kardashian‘s unexpected divorce from Kris “The Brick Shit House” Humphries came to light, I predicted that the Kris & Kim divorce will be a major soap opera, which I titled The Days of Kim’s Lives…All Nine of Them. Well, since the dish has started flying, I am changing the name of the soap opera to As The Stomach Turns because this divorce is going to be a doozy. Before the ink is even dry—from the Parker Pen that was pitched to Kim to sign the divorce… Read More »

Oh to be a fly on the wall at the Humphries kompound in Minnesota when Kim charged up there to show the paparazzi that she has a heart. And it’s broken. And she needs to redeem herself because she has been spending way too much time reading the many comments on all the blogs depicting her as a douche-bag for leaving Kris. An urgent call from Kris Jenner when Kim was in Australia went something like this:… Read More »

Oh, this ain’t over, honey. The drama between Kim Kardashian Humphries, née Kardashian & Kris Humphries Kardashian, née Humphries is simply the kick-off to what will be the biggest soap opera saga to hit the airwaves since Luke & Laura from General Hospital. For those of you who don’t know what the hell I am talking about, Luke and Laura were soap opera royalty back in the day and their wedding, which aired on November 17, 1981 was watched by 30,000,000 viewers. Eat that Kim’s Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event in two parts. One part scam and the other part… Read More »

Wouldn’t you just love to know what goes on behind (get it) closed doors?… Read More »

We can add Kim Kardashian to the social media trend of Weinergate-like scandals. Seems like Kim has an affinity to sexting, and did so, while still courting her current fiancee, Kris Humphries. The recipient of Kim’s sex-typing is another athlete knucklehead, Bret Lockett, who blabbered to the media. What a douche bag. What is so hot about sexting? Am I so old and corny that I don’t get the sex appeal behind twinkling a few phone keys? Does the sheer act of typing the words “sex” or “touching myself” get one aroused? Let me start by admitting that I am… Read More »