Posts Tagged «Mark Burnett»

Sarah Palin is sufferiing from bad hair days.

As if being a Lifetime Recipient of the Gross Baboon of the Year Award is not enough, Sarah Palin alluded to or hinted at or just plain vomitted this: “You know, it’s not too late for folks to jump in,” to the Fox Business Network Monday evening. “I don’t know, who knows what will happen in the future.” You don’t know? I know. You will lose miserably. And that will not help your chances of getting another reality show. Unless… and this is a prdiction: Mark Burnett and Sarah Palin want to do a reality show of a failed attempt… Read More »

Let it be said that I Mean…What?!? called the Sarah Palin reality television show on June 12, 2009. So it was written, and so it shall be done. Today the Huffington Post reports that Sarah Palin and Mark Burnett are in cahoots with each other to bring you more endless nonsense from Wasilla. Here’s my next prediction, Mark Burnett becomes the leading campaign adviser for Sarah. This reality show will be the vehicle to slam her into the White House in 2016. Well, surely not 2012. I don’t care how many Tea Parties she hosts. And if I am right…which… Read More »