Posts Tagged «marriage equality act»

Tamara Scott says: Gay Marriage Leads To Eiffel Tower Marriage…as in not near it or under it…but TO IT!!! … Read More »

The battle rages on between Tim (Zzzz) Pawlenty and Michele (Not tonight, I have a headache) Bachmann. He says this, she says that and the mudslinging has started before these horses asses are out of the gate.… Read More »

Protest Against Marriage Equality
Talk about showing up late to the party. There is a group of anti-gay zealots that want to overturn the Marriage Equality Act that went into law this week for the State of New York. What is with these right-wing religious hypocrites? As we see in these pictures, there is an equal smattering of Gross Baboons and Orthodox Jews, you know, of the recent killing of the little boy fame. As well as the many Orthodox Jewish men who I witnessed coming regularly to the Meatpacking District in the 1990’s when I lived there to pick up MALE tranny hookers.… Read More »