Posts Tagged «Mary ALice Stephenson»

Just so you all know, I am turning over a new leaf and adding a fundraising component to I Mean What by supporting charities I believe in or the one’s that my friends twist my arm to promote. The Free Arts NYC Annual Art Auction is a little of both. I worked on a project with Free Arts NYC a couple years ago, they are a great group that support arts for kids. (Photo: Inez & Vinoodh at Free Arts NYC Annual Art Auction)… Read More »
“Like sands through the hourglass…so are the Days of Our Lives.” Truer words have ne’er been spoken and they also apply to the fashion industry. I mean…who doesn’t squeeze their sorry ass into a tight fitting pair of jeans, leggings or jeggings these days in the hopes of feeling as thin as the models that sashay down the runways. Maybe my comparison is a stretch (as in Spandex). Mercedes Benz Fashion Week kicks off today and someone, somewhere is squeezing into their DLs, throwing on their tight, fitted, cropped jacket with gobs of accessories, readying to make an entrance at… Read More »

One of of things I like about myself is the ability to connect with women in a profound, honest way. Being raised by only women taught me to respect their point of view up front, be a good listener and share intimate personal details. This has allowed me to establish extremely intimate relationships…without that kind of intimacy…with some of the worlds most interesting women. This brings me unending joy. I have done several interviews with many of them through I Mean…What?!? and wanted to share the one with Mary Alice Stephenson because it is timeless, as is she. httpv:// Now,… Read More »

I want to be Mary Alice Stephenson when I come back to Earth in my next life. Tall, blond, female, smart, beautiful, industrious, glamorous…need I say more? Either I want to be just like her or a French poodle in a Jewish household on Long Island. Both lives are charmed. I met Mary Alice at a fund-raising event…you see…she is perfect…and we have since kept in touch. Recently, we both were speaking on a panel about the future of the fashion industry. There she was, clad in red Calvin Klein fierceness. I mentioned interviewing her for IMW-TV, though at that… Read More »
We Helped Raise 1.4 Million Dollars
You see, we do have an altruistic bone in our bodies. It’s not all bitching and moaning about celebrity designers and cheek implants. Not at all. I Mean…What?!? has a long history of supporting great causes and last night was one of those Good Witch nights. No, we did not help to raise 1.4 million dollars for Haiti. Rather we attended the dinner of the YMA Fashion Scholarship Fund, honoring the Geoffrey Beene National Scholarship Award. A while back I spoke at a panel at The New York Times Center about the future of fashion. That was the precursor event… Read More »
Last night I was invited to speak on a panel with the fashion industry’s coolest and/or smartest people including Mary Alice Stephenson, Patrick McMullan, Dani Stahl, Stuart Elliott, Annabel Tollman, Brian Reyes, Alex Gonzalez and Moi. I was representing the New & Social Media portion of the swimsuit competition. It was a lively discussion on “Redesigning the Rules of Fashion in Today’s New Media”. I was honored to be invited by Michael Flutie, Madwood Media, who hosted this event for the The YMA Fashion Scholarship Fund. The meeting of the minds (OK, a little too much ego here) was held… Read More »