Pocahontas Wishes starring Beyonce

Dec 10, 2009People We Lerve

Stuart Elliott, Moi, Kenneth Wyse, Annabel Tollman, Alex Gonzalez, Mary Alice Stephenson, Brian Reyes, Dani Stahl, and Patrick McMullan

Stuart Elliott, Moi, Kenneth Wyse, Annabel Tollman, Alex Gonzalez, Mary Alice Stephenson, Brian Reyes, Dani Stahl, and Patrick McMullan

Last night I was invited to speak on a panel with the fashion industry’s coolest and/or smartest people including Mary Alice Stephenson, Patrick McMullan, Dani Stahl, Stuart Elliott, Annabel Tollman, Brian Reyes, Alex Gonzalez and Moi. I was representing the New & Social Media portion of the swimsuit competition. It was a lively discussion on “Redesigning the Rules of Fashion in Today’s New Media”. I was honored to be invited by Michael Flutie, Madwood Media, who hosted this event for the The YMA Fashion Scholarship Fund. The meeting of the minds (OK, a little too much ego here) was held at the Times Center at The New York Times Building, which was all sorts of fierce. Anyway, just wanted to share that I Mean..What?! not only brings me  joy…daily, but has provided a platform where my opinion in the industry counts, which at the end of the day is beyond…beyond. Now, on an unrelated matter…check this out.

Pocahontas...move over, Beyonce is in the house...or the tee pee.

Pocahontas...move over, Beyonce is in the house...or the tee pee.

Each season, my lovely friends at Rootstein Mannequins create an amazing exhibition of their new bodies that takes the retail design industry to a whole, new level of fabulousness. The theme of the next show is Pocahontas…Who?!? At least that’s what I am calling it since I went to see Michael and Kevin and the stunning Indian Warrior Princesses. I MEAN…WHAT?!? invites…rather…urges you to take a walk through the Rootstein Gallery today. They take such pride and impeccable detail in their work, that I suggest seeing first-hand what can be done with a tremendous amount of ingenuity, craftsmanship and love. And you will see the Beyonce mannequin as part of the presentation.

HOURS:              10:00 AM — 6:00 PM

2 Responses to “Pocahontas Wishes starring Beyonce”

  1. Michael Noel says:

    I was there for the panel and absolutely loved it! I truly felt like you all helped motivate and inspire me so very much. I loved every moment of it!

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