Posts Tagged «Meet The Press»

I cannot stand Michele Bachmann. She is evil incarnate and crazier than Charlie Sheen.She is the answer to the prayer of crazy toothless zealots that scare the beJesus out of me. She threatens the very freedom that we have enjoyed for years because one thing the Tea Party represents, is a mindset from the 1700s, including a pro-slavery stance. Michele Bachmann was just on Meet The Press, why David Gregory would give that psycho-bitch airtime is beyond me.  Then again, with Christiane Amanpour being all sorts of globally fabulous, it proves that NBC has lost its footing with Gregory and… Read More »

I was at the gym this morning and noticed out of the corner of my eye this bright orange thing on the TV screen. Well, it was not a meteor, it was John Boehmer on Meet The Press. Would you take anything this guy says with a grain of salt? Paprika…maybe. All I know is that John and Snooki have a lot in common. And now, what I want to know is…exactly what color are John Boehner and Snooki?!?… Read More »

When Alphonse Karr said, “The more things change, the more they remain the same”, he must have had a vision of the United States, circa 2009. At a time when we are most in need of change (hey, I thought that was going to happen with the Obama Administration, but what do I know), we are just stagnantly maintaining the status quo, in light of our misgivings. The turn of events since the attempted terrorist attack on Christmas in which Barack Obama finally moseyed over to a microphone to make a poorly written and delivered speech about the “evil doers”,… Read More »