Posts Tagged «Michelle Obama»
Kernels of Dish (Thursday)
My assistant Ryan went to see Diana Ross at Radio City Music Hal and loved it….as did all the reviews. – NY POST Fierce and stunning…period. – NY MAGAZINE Courtney Love is not a cougar lesbian, but a junkyard cat in regards to Kate Moss. – D LISTED… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Saturday)
Would you sleep with this man? George Rekers, anti-gay zealot, apparently has to pay little boys to massage his….I am just grossed out. – GAWKER So, Lady Gaga wrote Telephone for Britney Spears originally. Now, she is wearing royal underwear and dogging of everyone. – DAILY MAIL The NY Times asks if Michelle Obama can make a designer a star. I say not because the only star in that scenario…is her. – NY TIMES STYLE The New York Times referred to Mick Jagger as a wizened man. Ouch. – NY TIMES STYLE Michael Jackson…gay…not gay…rest in peace and done. –… Read More »
Law and Order: Fashion’s Night Out
Word is out that Anna Wintour is kicking up the heat on Fashion’s Night Out and pitching the networks for a Victoria’s Secret-type televised special for CBS. The show would include a huge, grand-scale fashion show filmed at Lincoln Center, which would also serve as the official kick-off to the new home of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, which is being moved uptown in September. That should create enough drama, cat fights and gridlock to choke a horse. No one is looking forward to moving the tents uptown to the Big Apple Circus tents except Anna and her underling Stephanie Winston… Read More »
Dissing Michelle Obama?!?
Oy, talk about a flap…and I mean the flapping mouth of Douglas Hannant regarding his (possibly) out of context statement about Michelle Obama, “Everyone compares her to Jackie O–she is not the next Jackie O.” Naturally, these words were met with gasps. No one in the fashion industry is allowed to say anything bad about the First Lady. Oscar de la Renta took a little heat when he dished Michelle for her wardrobe choice when meeting Queen Elizabeth II, “You don’t go to Buckingham Palace in a sweater.” The issue here is not what Douglas said or Oscar, and I… Read More »

The State Dinner
I don’t have much to say about last night’s State Dinner besides that it is part of the White House protocol and that it must be maintained. Is it annoying? Perhaps to those who are not invited. Does it do anything for us politically? Maybe but probably not. Are rituals and institutions a good thing? One could argue this in either direction. The fact remains, we have them, and with this new White House, the affair needed to be amazing. Why? Because. And if you don’t like that answer? Too bad. Michelle Obama looked fantastic, the space was elegant, and… Read More »
Many of you must know by now that I have coined the phrase “fotz”. There ‘s many applications to this term. But, what, do you ask, is FOTZ? Etymology: What started out as a sarcastic reference to something that is or someone that “thinks” they are fascinating. So, it went from fascinating to fotzinating to fotzy balloons to fotzy to the currently, most used…fotz. Here are a few good examples. Bing is fotz. What Madonna wore to the Costume Institute Gala was fotz. George Bush was fotz…still probably is. Most Republicans are fotz. Susan Boyle’s first makeover was fotz. People… Read More »

Michelle Obama Is Fierce…But…
Michelle Obama is fierce…but…not everything she wears works. Today’s New York Daily News did a pictorial on “Michelle’s Smashing Summer Style”. Now, I will be the first to say that Michelle is fierce…she has had quite a few sensational looks since entering the Vanity Fair International Best Dressed List. But like every other human, one can not be flawless 365 days out of the year. Unless you are Blaine Trump or Carolina Herrera. That said, since Michelle–prior to White House duties–was a working attorney mom, she definitely proved a great sense of style, considering lawyers are known for their fashion… Read More »
Wait Just One Minute…Russian Designers Are Dishing Michelle Obama?
The Russians are coming…for Michelle Obama. Yes…really. Now even Russian fashion designers are dishing our First Lady. Like Russians, are known for style, grace and elegance? I don’t think so. Let’s take a look at some of the Russian designer’s schmatehs that were recently featured at Moscow Fashion Week. I am sure you will agree with me, that the Kremlin will continue to be known for vodka, borscht, and trading their girls on the internet and at modeling agencies. I mean…who has time to listen to this Russian nonsense? These designers are best served honing their craft and piping down.… Read More »

Would everyone just leave Michelle Obama and her wardrobe alone for five minutes? I have never seen anything like it. This woman is not allowed to step out of the shower without some yenteh looking her up and down, snapping a photo and printing it, and as of late…dishing her. Today the NY Daily News trashed Michelle for sporting an expensive, alligator purse. And naturally, to salacify (yes, I made that word up, it means to make more salacious) the wearing of the bag, the NYDN offers up a vote to their “sophisticated” readers as to whether she “should” or… Read More »
Everyday there is at least one story in the headlines that peaks my interest…rather…hits my annoyance bone…hence, my daily I MEAN…WHAT?!? Today was special. Nothing really struck my fancy. Sure, I could go on and on about Barack Obama’s little speech in Cairo (and when I say little, I mean that in the most loving way) but, eh, I’ll let the Republicans and Israelis chew on that one. I saw part of the speech and have no opinion either way. He’s a fabulous speaker, so what else is new? The issues with the Muslim world, especially beyond their own borders,… Read More »