Posts Tagged «Mr. & Mrs. Smith»

Brad Pitt: Right On The Moneyball
In a recent interview with Parade magazine, Brad Pitt suggested that his marriage to Jennifer Aniston was not making him happy or fulfilled. Now that is a rare honest comment that makes me like Brad even more. Page Six reports that a Brad backlash is brewing and Jennifer fans are boycotting his new film, Moneyball. Surely you remember the hullabaloo between Team Jennifer & Team Angelina when Brad and Jen broke up because of Angelina Jolie, who went on to become Mr. & Mrs. Smith. The dormant faction of Team Jennifer loyalists laying in wait for moments like this is… Read More »

Couple of weeks ago, with an itch to see a summer film, though the offering so far seems lackluster, we were this close to seeing Super 8 when a review in The New York Times by Manohla Dargis lead us to, of all places, Bad Teacher. According to Ms. Dargis, this film was one step away from a Carole Lombard screwball comedy directed by Howard Hawks. Clearly, someone drank the Kool-Aid or some kind of liquid substance before seeing this film, that not being me. Dumbstruck, we sat through the movie wondering what the attraction was for Manohla. Have I… Read More »