Posts Tagged «Oprah»

The Day The Earth Stood Still
The message in the 1951 film, The Day The Earth Stood Still was a warning to Earthlings that they were in danger of destroying themselves. How prophetic. We have all experienced “The Day The Earth Stood Still”. There are only a handful of those days in one’s life that are vividly remembered as though they happened yesterday. Not just fond memories of a life worth living such as your first kiss or better yet, that first roll in the hay. I’m talking about monumentally, historic days that you live through. Days like September 11, 2001 or November 22, 1963 when John F. Kennedy was shot… Read More »

The Melissa McCarthy Era
As an ex-fatty, I have mixed feelings about the recent hubbub surrounding the new fat covergirls of Sports Illustrated. I get it, but maybe they could have worn a one piece bathing suit for that cover shoot. … Read More »

John Galliano: The Resurrection
Sure, people will accuse John Galliano of copping out for laying the blame on being in a black out, but those who do are simply not black out drunks. There is a gigantic difference between being fucked up and being in a black out versus being a black out drunk. … Read More »

Abe’s Least Favorite Things
Between Oprah’s Favorite Things and every friggen Holiday Gift Guide it seems like no one is doing the honest service of pointing out the “Least Favorite Things” until now. … Read More »

Since I played the Cowardly Lion in a grade school play, I was compelled to include Ms. Tiess’ project of mounting The Wizard of Oz since they desperately need costumes. Another classroom project that I was drawn to is Ms. Sperduto’s intention to provide her students with current events reading materials to learn what’s happening in the world today. And what about Mrs. Calderon’s Blogging Our Way Through 2nd Grade? What’s cuter than that? Look, if we are to develop future bloggers, these kids need the basic necessities: Time Magazine for Kids.… Read More »

Four years ago, Oprah made hay where the Obama sun shines and because of her, Barack Obama is the President of the United States. Now Oprah sits down with the Obamas to discuss life, family & politics. Here are a few key outtakes. Oprah also just so happens to have sat down with The Mitt Romneys as well, which sounds like a real bore. As mentioned in the past, Ann Romney scares the beJesus out of me.… Read More »

Kate Moss Is The September Issue
Who is more stunning than Kate Moss? Vogue will hit their September issue out of the park with the cover to end all covers shot by Mario Testino. Do you remember in the documentary, The September Issue, with all the fuss about Sienna Miller being featured on the cover? What was that? He hair was styled like a tomato. And what has she done since then? There is no comparison to when a fashion magazine cover features a supermodel rather than an actress-ish. Excuse me, I saw The Help and Emma Stone is cute, but you can all relax. There’s… Read More »

Bully For You, Tracy Morgan
I did a piece on Bullying last year, around the time I was on the committee for Stomp Out Bullying. Seems like this conversation will never end so I am hereby reissuing it below. As someone who was bullied, it is my responsibility to continue to speak out against it. In regards to the Tracy Morgan flap, who surely spoke like a douche bag, he also happened to crack a hilarious joke. One of my saving graces during my bullying years was my ability to laugh in the face of danger. Humor is a great weapon against bullies. Bullies are… Read More »

Shalom Oprah, Goodbye AND Hello
What’s with the teary goodbyes to Oprah? OK, so her afternoon chat show is going dark after 25 years, but surely Oprah is not about to pull a Greta Garbo and veer off into obscurity. Trust me, she does not want to be alone. On the contrary. Be prepared to see more of Oprah in the weeks, months and quarter centuries to come. Unless you have been living under a rock, you will know that Oprah has created her OWN Network, which is her own network, a.k.a. Oprah Winfrey Network. When you create a network like when Ted Turner started… Read More »

Sex, Toys And Rock ‘N’ Roll
The New York Times Style section featured a great article on vibrators. Sex toys have come out of the closet and onto the shelves at Duane Read and Walgreen’s taking the taboo out of diddling with…… Read More »