Posts Tagged «P Diddy»

What do Lady Gaga, Snooki, Bono and James Franco have in common? Celebrity Headphones… now I’ve heard everything. … Read More »

Cameron Diaz… Shrek
What happened to Cameron Diaz? She went from being the darling of the Red Carpet in season’s past to being typecast in Shrek. (Shrek = Horror in Yiddish). Talk about…… Read More »
P. Diddy Gets A Police Escort
There are certain things that I do not need to know, like who designed Kate Walsh‘s jewelry when she is on some red carpet. Well, or anyone’s jewelry on a red carpet come to think of it. Sure. I like to know who designed the dresses, but the jewelry? Who cares? It’s not like the TV viewing audience is running to Google Neil Lane and ordering the diamond encrusted emerald earrings. For the most part, that information is blather. In this age of celebrity hounding, there’s way too much information out there and it is really getting nauseating. It makes… Read More »
I am a Democrat. I am also furious. Not that we lost the House. We all should have known that was coming and been psychologically prepared for the landslide. Seeing Barack Obama dumbfounded the next day at the press conference proves that, as he even referred to, “the glass bubble” has kept him at arms length from the American people. After all, every bloviator accuses him of that or being an “aloof Harvard professor”. Say what you want about Obama, but first look at this website that documents all the great things he has done in the last two years.… Read More »
I love Jessica…arrest me. She bumped into her ex…this is news? My birthday is news! – JUST JARED Courtney Loves says ugly girls are better poontang. OK… – PAGE SIX Whatever Lola wants…which one is Lola? Tom Cruise or Katie Holmes? – POP CRUNCH Anna Wintour cuts the rug with P. Diddy after the Costume Ball. – RAP-UP Donny Osmond’s poster was sued as a….you won’t believe it. Read this. – D LISTED… Read More »

Just got back from Miami after an amazingly restful few days of R & R at the Fontainebleau Hotel. You would not believe the digs we stayed in. We were VIP Serviced to the tits into this beyond beyond penthouse. Not just some lame-ass penthouse suite. I am talking 4,000 square feet of stunning, with 20 foot ceilings, where Lady Gaga stayed when she was down there performing at LIV Nightclub for New Year’s Eve. Check out the view from the massive palais. Then check out this other view…yes…our humble abode stretched the length of the entire Tresor building. Move… Read More »
Hollywood Walk of Fame-ish
Here’s proof that all you need is some dough in order to get a star of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. What’s next? Grauman’s Chinese Theater letting Kim Kardashian plant her tootsies in their precious cement? Call me old fashioned, but when I think of the Hollywood Walk of Fame, I think of Greta Garbo, Jean Harlow, Clark Gable and Fred Astaire…to name a few. Not Howie Mandel, or P Diddy, or does it say Sean Combs…whatever, Buzz Aldrin (really? why, cause he lives in LA?), or Ryan Seacrest. Can we call that a stretch…please? It all proves my point… Read More »
Fashion’s Night Out PSA…IMW
Here’s what’s missing from the Fashion’s Night Out PSA…PEOPLE…real people! People like the people that are being courted to come out in droves to spend, spend, spend. Now, if you wanted to engage people like me, with expendable income, discerning taste and a huge supporter of the fashion industry, then you might not have shoved the obvious “celebrities” or rather “fashion celebrities”, in our faces. All those people damn well want you to come out and shop…they are white knuckling through this economic retail crisis. A better, more sophisticated idea would have been use The Sartorialist as a model for… Read More »
End-of-Summer Stomach Ache
Has your end-of-summer stomach ache started yet? Surely, you know that feeling. It started when we were kids, that huge knot in your tummy that makes you double over in physical and mental pain. The first time you experienced it was the night before starting school after a joyous, carefree summer. It hurt so bad, you pleaded with your mother to not go to school the next day. It never worked. That end-of-summer stomach ache hits like a ton of bricks, no matter how old we get. There is an I Mean..What?!? Remedy. It’s called Laughter WHILE Shopping. But you… Read More »