Posts Tagged «Princess Leia»

Here’s the thing about going through your third midlife crisis: If you are going to do it, do it while living at the home of Carrie Fisher. On the eve of my scheduled return from Los Angeles to New York—which I had escaped in January in order to: A) Completely avoid the winter weather, and B) Deal with Midlife Crisis #3—I paid a visit to Carrie. As always, I was met with a warm greeting, and we sat on the bed chatting, catching up, and catching fire. The rumors had just begun to swirl about the original Star Wars “Dream… Read More »

Joe Manganiello has captured the hearts and minds of men, women, children, dogs…well just about any organism that lives. … Read More »

William Shatner has started a viral war between Star Wars versus Star Trek. Here is the rebuttal from Princess Leia a.k.a. Carrie Fisher.… Read More »

Carrie Fisher To Win By Losing
Carrie Fisher, who has battle demons far more terrifying than Darth Vader, is about to hack off a bunch of L-Bs, proving that God loves her. I mean come on. She is brilliant, multi-talented and gets to secure her place in pop culture icon-hood by going to where no man…or woman has gone. Beyond Kirstie Alley. Funny enough, on the day Jenny Craig announced Carrie’s involvement as spokesmodel, Kirstie turned 60 years old. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Carrie has confronted many scenarios that would challenge anyone. She is a fighter and will soon enough be dancing all the way… Read More »
Happy Halloween, I Guess
Halloween is fun, if you are a glutton for punishment. Dressing up like some schnook, or a scary person, or a sexy beast, or a president, ex-president, or Lindsay Lohan and Sam Ronson. I get it. Boozed up, wired up, dressed up and most times no where to go. Fierce, you make your entrance as a great party or two. Then you try hailing yet another cab, your big hair gets crunched, make up needs major retouching. It goes on for hours. And as the evening progresses, you get drunker, and less put together, till you look like a wreck.… Read More »
This is a great news day for me, for all sorts of reasons. First being that the 100 Days are over and second because I can finally report that Carrie Fisher is coming to Broadway. Why am I so excited? Mostly because this town could use a good laugh. New Yorkers have got to get that stick out of their ass. So, we are having a bit of a financial set back. To quote Cher, “Snap out of it!” Carrie’s one-woman show, “Wishful Drinking” is friggen ha-larious. It’s a two-hour therapeutic, laughing session. Plus, Carrie’s my friend and I’ve seen… Read More »