Posts Tagged «Real Housewives of Orange County»

Downmarket lovebirds Kat Von D & Jesse James are back together and engaged again. Now this is the last time kids. Do it and go back to your lives in Orange County. Maybe once they are married, Bravo can add Kat Von James to the cast of the Real Housewives of Orange County. You heard it here first. Well, either that or some other reality show where the two of them get to act out at Costco and Target.… Read More »

Never one to bandy about certain terms loosely, I have been careful to minimize my use of one particular term… The A-List. One must go through hoops to become a member of the fabulii. It is not for the faint of heart. Clawing ones way up the ladder, be it in Hollywood or marrying into Royalty, the fact remains, there are very few ways to achieve such status. There are those certain editrixes such as Anna Wintour, Grace Coddington and Arianna Huffington that are there for life. And boy did Arianna fight her way up that ladder. You gotta hand… Read More »

Cecilia Cassini…Eek
Are you ready to cringe? httpv:// Just so you all know, my newest, favorite expression is “EEK” and though I rarely use exclamation points, in the case of Cecilia Cassini, EEK! Sure, it is very admirable that a ten year old has a vocation but in this instance, a muzzle would be the must-have accessory for this tangerine. (Click that word to know what I mean by tangerine or see below.) The dress Cecilia is wearing on the purple carpet looks like a costume from a kindergarten play. Throwing butterfly wings on a dress otherwise worn by one of the… Read More »
Are you ready folks? The reality showdown begins. Move over Bravo and all your overly Botoxed, Nine West wearing Real Housewives of New York City, Atlanta, Orange County, Washington DC, Beverly Hills, New Jersey and where else…oh…right…No Where Special. The New York Times reports on the new show in town that is poised to take those bitches down. Geritol presents Sunset Daze, a reality show starring 900 year old women who call themselves The Hos’s. (Yikes.) Not sure what the men on this show refer to themselves as…except, maybe, just happy to be alive. Sunset Daze, set in a retirement… Read More »