Posts Tagged «SAG Awards»

Longing For Elsa Klensch?
Style Mavens have become in this decade what fitness trainers became in the 1990’s… a bunch of waiters who wanted another life. Obscure teens with blogs are the new Elsa Klensch and the old Elsa Klensch has gone by way of newspapers. Call me what you want, but I am sad to know that Elsa is less relevant than some Polynesian drag king with an iPad 2.… Read More »
Don’t you love people who shoot themselves in the foot? I sure do. It makes me very happy and few things make me very happy. Like a Percocet and a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. Or watching the snow fall from my bedroom window, which overlooks downtown Manhattan. Red Carpet arrivals make me happy, too, and last night’s SAG Awards was no exception. Winner is Mila Kunis. Let’s hear it for Alexander McQueen‘s busiest week. But in the case of Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin, their perfunctory need to yattle off at the mouth–spewing Tea Party nonsense–well,… Read More »