Posts Tagged «sally field»

You Better Twerk
Twerk. It’s a dance, not an illegal action worth crucifying over. Remember (you oldies) when that dance The Jerk was first introduced to the youth culture or The Twist by Chubby Checker? Ahhh, the 1960’s. Now that was a groovy time. Parents and other fuddy duddies were horrified from the way kids were gyrating on the dance floor. So now we have a new dance, The Twerk or Twerking. It seems like not only fuddy dutties are freaking out about this but idiotic, uptight people of all ages. Miley Cyrus was just ripped a new asshole for Twerking at the… Read More »

Stylophane? I beg your pardon? Is that a word, a term, a website, a gauge, a ridiculous tool to jack off with? The answer is all of the above. Now that Social Media and the many Social Media Climbers who think they know-it-all have become marketing experts, (are sext-perts next?) starting with the Social Media Expert himself Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook is now touting its useful digital marketing tool Stylophane, which tracks the Facebook friends (for lack of a better term) who are engaged with your brand. Facebook…brand…engaged…I am cringing but must go on. Women’s Wear Daily reported today that Kat… Read More »

What started out as pure innocent fun–rating chicks on college campuses–has mushroom-clouded into a serious business or more accurately, a massive, mishmash of mass-marketing mush. Sprinkle that with a plethora of celebrities spewing pearls of their newly acquired wisdom leaves us with a mosh-pit of “visual white noise”. Our in-boxes are stuffed with promotional opportunities, must-haves, pictures of C-List celebrities wearing Designer X on a red carpet, and news flashes that feature nothing new.… Read More »

Facebook Shmacebook
OK, so I admit to loving Facebook. However, I question reconnecting with some of the people from my home town (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey) including the guy who was just arrested for exposing himself in our hometown playground. Anyway you slice it, I do not need to read about Facebook every five minutes since it has gone public and the cover story on every media outlet on Earth. OK, Mark Zuckereberg made 19 BILLION dollars. Great. What charities does he support? OK, he lost 2 BILLION dollars a day later. Great. What charities does he support? I am very happy… Read More »