Posts Tagged «Simon Cowell»

Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj are not acting like American Idols. Who could care less about some beefed up yabba dabba doo charges of PR anger between these two song birds. Or is one song bird and the other Big Bird.… Read More »

You cannot believe who is on Baba Wawa’s list for 2011. Fascinating? I call them Fotz-inating. (Etymology of the word Fotz: It started out as a sarcastic reference to something that is or someone that “thinks” they are fascinating. So, it went from, “Oh, you’re fascinating” to “You are fotzinating” to “fotzy balloons” to “fotzy” to the currently, most used…”fotz”.)… Read More »
Pia Gets A Record Deal
In what surely was Pia Toscano‘s luckiest day, last Thursday the stunning songbird got booted off American Idol to a shocked studio audience and a sobbing Jennifer Lopez. But sob not, because Jimmy Iovine signed her for a record deal as soon as the show ended. Here’s the weird bit, on Wednesday night, I had a feeling that Pia was going to get booted off and through all 10 seasons of Idol, I have never called to vote for anyone. Not even Fantasia Barrino. But I was compelled to call that 866 Pia number like a dozen times. When I… Read More »
Rebecca Black Gets The Last Laugh
httpv:// Last week, I posted the Rebecca Black video of the song Friday and sadly, my server went down. Sadly, I had to take down that post. Since then, her hit song has received over 45,ooo,ooo, yes that is 45 million(!) views and fans including Lady Gaga and Simon Cowell. Say what you want about the song, many people have been goofing on her and trashing the song, but if you ask me, there’s a hint of Katy Perry in them there hills. Like Cowell, my sentiments are, anyone that can out do Susan Boyle is fierce. Period.… Read More »
What this week taught me was just how REALLY, profoundly powerful the internet and social networks are, with a special shout out to Twitter. That Susan Boyle received 30 million hits in one week is astonishing. And what it showed us ALL is that you don’t have to be a titty-and-belly-button bearing (Britney, Miley, Goo Goo Ga Ga) diva to get into the hearts and minds of the music loving public.The moment I saw Simon Cowell’s eyebrows raise after Susan’s 3rd note, I knew what he was thinking, “Il Divo who? Adam Lambert what? Gimme this house-frau any day of… Read More »