Posts Tagged «skype»

Style For Rent
As our society evolves into a pack of wanna-bees, more and more websites are offering garment rentals that help you “feel like one of them”. “Them” as in people with money, “You” as in having limited means. “Them” as in people with unending wardrobes who buy retail and shop on Net-a-Porter or Moda Operandi, “You” wanting to dress in a new frock for every event or grocery store outing but are relegated to Rent The Runway, L’Armoire Du Styliste, Wear Today Gone Tomorrow, The Frock Shop, the list goes on. No longer is vintage shopping coupled with a visit to the… Read More »

We can add Kim Kardashian to the social media trend of Weinergate-like scandals. Seems like Kim has an affinity to sexting, and did so, while still courting her current fiancee, Kris Humphries. The recipient of Kim’s sex-typing is another athlete knucklehead, Bret Lockett, who blabbered to the media. What a douche bag. What is so hot about sexting? Am I so old and corny that I don’t get the sex appeal behind twinkling a few phone keys? Does the sheer act of typing the words “sex” or “touching myself” get one aroused? Let me start by admitting that I am… Read More »
If you haven’t seen images from the recent volcano in Iceland, check this out. My freind Steinunn and I were chatting on SKYPE and she showed this website and please click on this image to see more of the volcanic fierceness.… Read More »