Posts Tagged «tea bagger»

You are looking into the face of evil. On the right is the known murderer and sadist Charles Manson. Fortunately he is safely tucked away in a maximum security prison after the string of murders including actress, Sharon Tate. The other guy is James Manson, no relation except for their evil-ness. James Mason went on record to say that Barack Obama and his two daughters should be assassinated. This Tea Bagging Tea Party douche bag actually ran for office and posted on Facebook this lovely rant: “Assassinate the f—– n—– and his monkey children.” So, I ask you, are we… Read More »

Leave Miley Cyrus Alone
Q. What is the meaning of hypocrisy? A. The pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude. FACT: You cannot walk around trashing Miley Cyrus for doing a lap dance with an old queen like Adam Shankman and consider the new Miss USA marketing campaign a good idea. FACT: You cannot watch Jersey Shore and think it is hilarious, anxiously waiting Season Two, then judge Miley Cyrus for being too young to be sexy. FACT: You cannot be a self-righteous Tea Bagger (Sarah Palin) with a daughter that just so happens to be a teenage mother out of wedlock.… Read More »

Would you go to Iowa to see Randy Travis perform? Let me sweeten the pie and tell you that he will be the featured performer at Michele Bachmann‘s Straw Poll Hootenanny. Yes, Michele has looped in the skeletor of country music to entice folks to come to her tent, while her husband Marcus offers free personal styling tips—while turning you straight. Team Bachmann also promises to provide barbecue, beverages and an air-conditioned tent where Tea Bagger zealots can relax, hang out and get brainwashed into thinking that Bachmann stands a chance. Talk about getting cluck for your buck. What is… Read More »
Where is the outrage? We all know by now how horrendous the Tea Party is with all their racist Tea Bagging shenanigans. But now, things are really spiraling out of control. Where in hell is this Marilyn Davenport, the Orange County Republican Central Committee slash Tea Partyer woman who sent out a mass email depicting Barack Obama as a chimpanzee? What infuriates me is that every news outlet posted the offensive, inappropriate image but no one has posted a picture of the culprit, Marilyn Davenport. We at I Mean..What?!? refused to post that image as we consider ourselves somewhat tactful… Read More »
Alan Cumming boldly came out swinging at the Obama Administration and all I can say is “two snaps up” to that. Alan says that Obama has done, and I quote, “Didly squat for gay rights.” Well, kids, as sad as all this is, what can I say besides I told you so, long ago when everyone was taken by Obama’s smile on the campaign trail, while turning their backs on Hillary Clinton. It was June 29, 2007, early on in the game at the Howard University hosted debate for the Democratic nominees. I’ll never forget it. The question came to… Read More »
Last night’s debate between Delaware Senate hopefuls Christine O’Donnell and Chris Coons was as good as television gets, politically speaking. Who would have thunk that a face-off for the Delaware Senate would be the most talked about debate since Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama? Any way you slice it, this was riveting television and what made it entertaining was O’Donnell’s facial reactions anytime Coons opened his mouth. We are at a moment in history where inconsequential people are setting the tone for the future of our democracy. If you string together Christine O’Donnell’s television appearances from her days on Bill… Read More »
Last Laugh? or Last Straw? It has been reported that Elton John serenaded known Oxycontin addict Rush Limbaugh at the marriage to his fourth wife, Kathryn Rogers, at their home in Florida. Why, you may ask, would Elton John be caught dead or alive under the same roof with the anti-gay, anti-everything, Tea Bagger, shock jock? Once you know that Elton was paid $1,000,000 dollars for the gig, then it all seems feasible. I am, however, giving Elton the benefit of the doubt and saying that the million dollars fee is going straight into the Elton John AIDS Fund, making… Read More »