Posts Tagged «The New York Times Style»

FINALLY, Gloria Allred will get her day in Lindsay Lohan court. After all the skanks Gloria has represented in the name of truth, justice and the American way, she was NEVER called into any of Lindsay’s many kerfuffles. (I love that word.) But now, as Lohan gets arrested for the umpteenth time and hauled into the precinct, a place she can soon call her home again, Gloria is taking the opposing side and representing that hag in question, Florida psychic, Tiffany Mitchell. FROM MARCH 18, 2011 You’ve got to love Gloria Allred. She is the omnipresent voice of reason, or… Read More »

The Marc & Myra Show
Ruth La Ferla of The New York Times Style talks about how prevalent the 1970’s are this fall season. “The ’70s have been revisited time and again in more recent decades, but not with the conviction demonstrated on the runways of late.” Besides in fashion, there are other nods to the period that depict one of the most creative eras in New York’s history. Ruth also mentions The Marc & Myra Show on Sirius Radio, a radio show that features Studio 54 survivors, Marc Benecke (doorman) and Myra Scheer (keeper of the VIP List), who worked at the infamous club.… Read More »

Sex, Toys And Rock ‘N’ Roll
The New York Times Style section featured a great article on vibrators. Sex toys have come out of the closet and onto the shelves at Duane Read and Walgreen’s taking the taboo out of diddling with…… Read More »
I Wanna Be A Debutante
It’s not fair that I was NOT put on Earth as the blond daughter of an Upper East Side, Protestant, Republican with Democratic leanings…depending on the year. No, my lot in life is that of a downtown, non-hetero, scraper-byer. It is just not fair. After reading the article in today’s The New York Times Style, I wanted to get a wig, take a few extra spinning classes and buy some Ralph Lauren to justify my existence. This week is the International Debutante Ball at the Waldorf-Astoria and if ever there was a room that I have no business being in…that… Read More »
Merry Christmas Miley
I’d like to take this moment to wish Miley Cyrus a Merry Christmas. She’s been the object of scrutiny for years and I say leave her alone. She has brought me plenty of I Mean What?!? traffic and for that…you go girl and lap dance with whoever the hell you please. Peace and merriment forever… Today’s The New York Times Style section highlights Miley’s recent bout with Salvia. You must have seen the video of her bonging up with what is a legal substacne which causes hallucinations. Word is that her video will actually help draw attention to the danger… Read More »
Who besides me thinks Patti Stanger is an overblown yenteh who has no business advising people on matters of the heart since she herself has failed miserably? The real question is, can you find solace from people who are guilty of, “Do as I say, not as I do”? Once again The New York Times Style Section has a lead story that has nothing to do with style. On the contrary, Patti Stanger, The Millionaire Matchmaker is anything but stylish…rather…she borderlines on tacky. In fact, Ms. Stanger is a recent nominee for I MEAN…WHAT?!? Gross Baboon of the Year. I… Read More »
Ann Coulter Is Not A Style Icon
So why on God’s green Earth did The New York Times Style do a piece on her for that section? It baffles me. Here you have the end of fashion week, amazing contributors like Cathy Horyn (who I could listen to for hours on end) and Eric Wilson, who traipse around to all the shows, must have unprecedented access so many stories and interviews in their luggage. So what, we need to read about a bunch of conservative gays…an oxymoron…that are all a twitter…literally and figuratively…because Ms. Ann Coulter is coming to speak to them at some have baked rally?… Read More »
Six Items Or less
Eric Wilson from The New York Times Style did a great piece on an experiment called Six Items Or Less a while back. Heidi Hackemer, an advertising executive and total groovy chic, decided to limit her wardrobe to six pieces, not including undergarments, accessories and workout gear for an entire month. She created a website and challenged friends to join her and within no time 250 people participated in the experiment, which was a massive success in that it was picked up by the mainstream media. Six Items or Less became a statement on where we are in relation to… Read More »
Reincarnation: Are You Up For It?
There is a fascinating article in today’s The New York Times Style about reincarnation. I guess reincarnation is a style issue. Questions raised are: What to wear in your next life? Or better yet, What did I wear in my last life that I can correct in this one? The article begins with a psychiatrist, Dr. Paul DeBell who believes he was a caveman, and that, “I was going along, going along, going along, and I got eaten”. Oy. Now if that were me, for the sake of this Style piece, I would have said, “I was going along, going… Read More »
Eat, Pray, Love, Cringe
We all think that our lives are meant for the pages of a book. Come on…admit it. And if you can’t admit that, then surely you have considered your workplace as the setting for a hilarious sit-com. Don’t lie to me. We all have delusions of grandeur and relax, you are not alone. I read Eat, Pray, Love after everyone else did, that summer when those three words were all you heard. That’s the problem with hype, Oprah-based or otherwise. By the time everyone raves about a book, movie or TV show, you get there and wonder…what’s the big deal?… Read More »