Posts Tagged «Tim Pawlenty»

The battle rages on between Tim (Zzzz) Pawlenty and Michele (Not tonight, I have a headache) Bachmann. He says this, she says that and the mudslinging has started before these horses asses are out of the gate.… Read More »

I am not a betting man so there will be no money on this, but from the tone of Sarah Palin‘s rhetoric, that girl is running for President like I am sitting here in my under-shorts. Never before have we had a potential candidate this confident to the point where she avoids the media, yet they follow her around like paparazzi do to Lindsay Lohan. It is mind boggling. The Washington Press Corps has been reduced to the likes of those who would cover the Axe Body Spray Lounge in the Hamptons. It would not surprise me if Ron Galella… Read More »