Posts Tagged «tulum»

Hot Spot Alert: Circolo Restaurant: Having just returned from two glorious weeks in Tulum, Mexico, no one is happier than me to introduce you to Circolo, the newest restaurant to open its doors in New York City. The reason this is most exciting is because Circolo is the sister restaurant of Tulum’s popular eatery, Posada Margherita. … Read More »

Dawn Of The New Mayan Calendar
If Sandy Hook or Hurricane Sandy has taught us anything, it is to value…correction…cherish…every second we have on Earth. To reduce stress, be of value, tell people you love that in fact, you do.… Read More »

OK, so you wake up at the crack of dawn to this site and tell me you want to write some pithy little commentary about a Republican or a Kardashian or anything that has nothing to do with waking up in a jungly beachfront situation. I’ll be in Tulum for the next 8 days with kind of internet access and the inability to text. Wishing all of you equal parts fabulousness in every moment of your lives. So until the Iowa primary…see ya in drips and drabs.… Read More »