The Paris shows have barely gotten underway and already have not disappointed. Seems like Marc Jacobs has been wearing skirts long enough to have fully inspired designers like Rick Owens and Yohji Yamamoto, who featured more skirts in their Spring collections for men than any collection Jil Sander did for women, when she had her own eponymous line.
SIDEBAR: Now that Jil and Uniqlo have parted ways, perhaps Ms. Sander can figure her way back to regaining control of her name and getting rid of Raf Simons, who besmirched and nellied up the brand, especially this season. Now that women are wearing menswear, we need the original man/woman to take the reigns on the look. Jil Sander to the rescue of Jil Sander. But I digress.
Back to the nelliness that landed on Mars, I mean, Paris. Funny that Louis Vuitton’s collection for men did not show one skirt, kilt or even overly baggie shorts. The statement being that Marc Jacobs would not even wear LV, given the chance, which he is given, plenty. Once again, the adage applies, “Do as I say, not as I do.” The LV collection was great. And before I go on, I want to give a shout out to Adam Kimmel for doing a strong collection. There was only one one-zie this season. Now onto the culotting of menswear and the Manzie Report: Paris.

Rick Owns sees a world where men wear moo-moo gowns like in the Middle East.

A world where Andre Leon Tally becomes the lead style icon.

Where men are free to swish down city streets like their sisters wearing 1970s maxi dresses.

A world that says. "For men, volume is in."

Where no man is asunder. Or at least the dress becomes asunder, as in a two peice set.

Where...oh you get my drift. Now buy this dress.

I'm telling you, it was the whole collection.

And what's with the Woody Woodpecker hair stlying?

And if you buy this, there is some land left in the Poconos that I can get you a good deal on.

I happen to love Yohji Yamamoto, but this seaosn, he went so intellectual, that looking at it made me feel stupid. Look, I loved Yentl, but I would much rather look like Avigdor.

What can I tell you, if yards of black fabric still make you look fat, then this look is not for you. Sorry.

When I mentioned the culotting of menswear, I was not kidding.

I just don't see this taking off. I mean taking off, yes, but selling no.

Maybe I am wrong. Who knows?

Nah, I am right. This guy will never walk down the streets in this ensemble, coupled with the askew up-sided pony tail.

It's like gay Orthodox Jews or something.
Tomorrow’s coverage includes Mugler & Alexis Mabille, untill then, follow us on or Sally Field Us on Facebook.
I am crying from laughter.
Abe Gurko , you're just so ignorant about fashion, your comments are so plain ridiculous ( and not funny at all, if that's what you're aiming at) On top your pasting your comments all over again & again, poor sod. Get some education about what came first, what after, who influences whom, instead of writing such bullshit. you're such an embarrassment..
Well, you are proof that we cannot make everybody happy. Keep reading though. I supposed you also liked the Fall Couture collections from yesterday as well. And by the way Ms./Mr. Communicado, do share your credentials to that make you less of an embarrassment than me. All ears.
discussion inutile avec des américains ignorants…recevez culture d'abord, get it ?
can u translate this too. "we are all entitled to our opinion." viva la difference!
"seems like Marc Jacobs has been wearing skirts long enough to have fully INSPIRED designers like Rick Owens and Yohji Yamamoto" is not an "opinion", it's just so moronically ignorant, Then asking for "credentials" is just nauseatingly laughable. Hey, there's IS some humour here after all!
Abe Gurko says:
Look, I am old enough to have seen men in skirts in the 80's and not to mention Scotland. Stop being so literal. Marc makes everything OK for main stream consumption is my point. So inspiration is just another term for taking the moment and running with it. Are you going to disagree with that? Really? Be my guest. Again. Its what I want to do. Discuss, not only take jabs. Perhaps you can come out from behind your anonymous skirt and tell me who you are. I am more than happy to engage. And by the way humor is clearly nothing you are adept at. Not yet anyway.
incommunicado+ says:
Sure and based on that "inspiration" logic, haute couture is an "american invention", right? Here some free knowledge for your shallow mind: Yamamoto did not show skirts but samurai based hakamas which are actually pants that go back to Edo times. M. Jacobs, actually wears kilts, (the same Gaultier started showing and wearing back in the 80's which for ignorant americans might look like "skirts") but according to you, Marc probably invented them and everybody is just blindly following suit, right? ( oh the irony..) R. Owens ones are based on tunics or sarongs ( mundus, izaars, kangas, etc) which in south east asia go back centuries. But let's just not be "too literal" here, shall we? Let's just keep promoting shallow mediocracy wrapped in ignorance.
At least you're "good" at something, n'est pas?
do you really think i don't know the kilt story, JP 80's, marc's and otherwise? what r u elsa klench? i stand by my short funny takes on fashion that most men will not wear. unless of course they live in the middle east. and yes marlene i know that makes up millions of people. in your zeal to lecture me, you forgot to use mu mu gown when referring to that long dresses that i would love to see you in right about now. or are you too paunchy?