These here are called mantyhose. Though manty hose is more like it. But more than anything else, does Time Magazine think men will dare wear these? Women hate wearing panty hose, from what I know.
Please note: This Entry First Appeared July 12, 2009
Who’d have thunk that when I MEAN…WHAT?!? coined the phrase Manzie Report, and pointed out the horrendousness of some of the things that everyone’s favorite Manzie is wearing, that lo and behold, Time Magazine, yes, that magazine that puts Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin on the cover, has an entry about Mancessories. So, now that the Manzie has been adulated by the general media, I am thrilled to say my prescient observation of this uncanny trend has now been substantiated and I am officially anointing Time Magazine with a special Manzie Award for Best Periodical.
For those of you who need a refresher course on the Manzie Report, please check these links: Rounding Out the Milan Manzie Spring ’10 Shows or The Manzie Report – I Love Paris – Spring ’10

Mandals are nothing new to the I MEAN...WHAT?!? Manzie Report. Time Magazine is so last week.

Manpris are bad when you buy them as manpris. This length is only acceptable when you take a pair of sweatpants or army fatigues and cut them down to this length, keeping the rough edge so it's clear that you cut your pants. Many times these manpris look extremely lame and fussy, especially when worn by straight men who attend sports games. And fathers should never ever buy manpris...they are all wrong.

Adam Lambert did for manscara that which The New York Dolls and David Bowie only wish they could have in their day. Let's face it, there is nothing like a smokey eye for men, women or children for that matter. You go, girl.

Talk about behind the curve, the man purse is soooo over. You know when it makes it to a Hollywood blockbuster and Time for that matter, it is ovah. NOTE: Men with bellies should avoid carrying a manpurse as it accentuates the blubber, as shown here.

This here is a Spanx for men called a Singlet. Don't tell anyone, but I ordered one. Shhhh.
Listen…Shorts with Leggings…very Givench-oui…Shorts with mann(t)yhose…very Givench-no.
Of course they need stylists………………most of these people have no idea what looks good on them. If it has a name buy it as it must be fabulous on me??