Everyone and their cousin is chiming in on who looked great or who looked like crap on the Emmy Red Carpet. Surely I am tuning in tonight to hear Joan Rivers and Kelly Osbourne’s two cents on who they think is Best and Worst Dress. SIDEBAR: Just saw Joan Rivers’ Piece of Work this weekend, and she really is a dynamo. Glad E! brought her back into their fold. Anyhoo, yes, I can’t agree more with most of the commentaries but one thing I cannot forgive is the Emmy Up Do. I’m sorry, but there are two moments in a woman’s life when she makes bad hair decisions:
1: Weddings
2: Red Carpet Events
What compels women to forgo their usual relaxed hairstyles for something that looks so awkward. They become robot heads and in most cases, it just does not work. Just because you are on a red carpet, does not make you Audrey Hepburn. Here are a few examples:

Rita Wilson was wrong on all fronts. The Prada dress, the wanna be Prada ad campaign hair. Oy.

The hair, the dress. Just sing and dance girl. Too pretty to be this clueless. Does she not own a gay?

This actress needs to know the red carpet basics. Loud prints on loud bodies does not work. And the hair should have stayed down.

Kim Kardashian is lovely...but I would have rather seen a high ponytail rather than this wanna be Alexandre de Paris.

Jane, Jane, Jane. The couture Escada colostomy bag is not helped with your up do...or rather...up don't.

Kate Gosselin is still annoying. And I can;'t quite make out whether she has her extensions pulled back or its back to her dyke cut.

Lauren Graham also needs to purchase a gay. Between the bad hair and the dress designed by a straight man (Yigal Azruel) there is no way a gay was part of her team. Wanna bet?

Ditto on Kristin Whig. Not a gay in sight.

Heidi Klum should have known better. The dress is wrong, the hair is too. Project Runway needs to do an episode on making an Emmy Red Carpet dress for Heidi.

Yikes. This is like a black birthday cake.

Rose Byrne, what in God's name is that bride of Frankenstein homage.

Emily Blunt's 30's bob needed volume.

Conan O'Brien had an up-do with sad eyes.
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I don't understand how anyone as beautiful as Rose Byrne can get it so wrong. She looked horrendous.
But I don't mind the up-doo on that chick with the sea green dress. At least it's a contemporary take on the style.
Did you see Rita Wilson's shoes? Frak me, it looked like someone glued the gems from my nana's chandelier on a pair of lucite hooker heels. No. Just…NO.