John Galliano was channeling Jane Fonda as Lillian Hellman in Julia.
The news about John Galliano’s anti-Semitic rant and his professed love for Hitler is one of the worst bits of news to come along since the War on Terror and the rising obesity rate. John Galliano’s shows for Christian Dior have always topped my best collections list. His flair for the dramatic and artistry put him leagues above the rest of fashion’s elite. Clearly, John Galliano is at the height of his addictions and it is hard to hold people accountable for their actions. But, as a concentration camp survivor’s son, it is hard to immediately forgive this brilliant, raving lunatic who is more of a cartoon, really, than a man. His choice to be the closing element of each fashion show proves that his ego was out of whack and he suffers from Delusions of Grandma. Do I believe he hates Jews while he is sober? Probably not. I’d like to think he is much too busy creating amazing collections. We all say stupid things while under the influence of whatever libations float your boat. And aren’t we all a little anti-something deep down in our hearts? The real issue here is, if he is walking around town wearing an Andrews Sister meets Russian Cossack hat, then surely he is out of his mind.
Finally, someone has gotten to the heart of the matter here.
John Galliano can go to hell and design for his nazi friends,since thy are all there anyways.
[…] is clearly the most insurmountable public relations snafu on Earth, well, fashion Earth anyway, Christian Dior was challenged to stay the course and host their fashion show today in Paris in spite of the […]