This creature is no longer with us. Move on kiddies.
A recent article in The New York Times Style about Miley Cyrus is reason one to celebrate the passing of Hannah Montana. The article quotes Percy Hamm, some 11-year old who is disenchanted with her recent risque behavior. When asked about the Vanity Fair pictorial, she said, “I don’t know what was going on in her head.” Like I…or Miley…give a hoot about what some judgmental tangerine thinks about her life choices? Let me clarify: A tangerine is what I call precocious, unruly, overly verbal, whiny kids. Several years ago, Tropicana was launching a line of fruit flavored drinks, and their ad campaign featured a few kids tangerines, each spouting the different flavors. The girl they cast to represent “tangerine” was sooo annoying…like beyond…hence the name stuck. Anyhoo…back to Miley and Hannah.

Miley Cyrus caught giving an old queen, Adam Shankman, a lap dance.
What astonishes me is how people are not willing to let go of their preconceived notions of who their idols can become. Miley Cyrus was acting as Hannha Montana. She isn’t actually that character. That’s like saying that Glenn Close who was playing the character Alex Forrest in the film Fatal Attraction, was really acting like Glenn and being a total, murderous nut bag. There is no difference….besides age group. The fault does not lie with the Miley Cyrus’ or Lindsay Lohan’s of the world when little kids can not accept their idols growing up. It is the Disney-fied dream machine that makes millions of unsuspecting kids turn their will and their lives over to the care of an idea of who someone is. Smart or otherwise, Disney is still able to manufacture illusion, as in the old studio system of Hollywood, where dreams were made and the movies took people away from their mundane lives and problems. Well, the same holds true with the Hannah Montana good girl machine. What is really happening here is that Miley Cyrus is growing out of her tangerine stage and her tangerine followers are not letting her go. I, for one, think that Miley is making the best possible moves, like a snake shedding its skin, to shake off that Hannah Montana image and live her life as she sees fit. Funny, this is pretty much the same story as yesterday about LeBron James and his decision to move to Miami. Do you really think that highly of yourself that your opinion matters when it comes to celebrities making personal…really personal life choices? Think again…tangerine.
i dont like hanna montana very but my sisteres she love very contraire
i love you hannah i want to meet you hannah and i want to be you daughter…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
i love hannah montana also very mushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……………..
nobody cares about you and your sister
Hay hannah I like soso much and i liek your song so so much i love u
Hannah Montana strength
1. "Hannah Montana" isn't a person. Miley Cyrus is, and I hate her too.
2. Even if "Hannah" was a real person, she would suck (and Miley aready does)
So, seriosuly. "Hannah" is a fake. What makes her different from Miley?
i like hannah montana !! NOT MILEY CYRUS !!
hannah montana and miley cyrus are the same preson
i dont like hannah montana but my friend name beenish like u very much and want to meet with u really I HATE U…..
selena is better than hannah
i am ur bigesst fan luv u….
Adoro-te Milly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mas não te pareces com o Pai Natal.
Miley Cyrus ND Hannah Montana Both Are Fake…When Are Yhu Going To Realize It! Miley Isnt Even Her Real Name Its Destiny Or Something Like That But She Changed To Miley……..Miley ND Hannah Are Both The Same People They Act The Same They Both Ignorant FAKE Lifeless ND Not Inspirational……Miley//Hannah Wants The Kids To Look Up To Her…..THEY CANT DO THAT CUS SHE WANTS TO SHAKE HER NO BUTT IN THE CAMARA ON T.V WHILE SHE WAS AT THE STUDIO….Really Miley Or Hannah Who Ever Yhu Are….Go To Schoool Nd See What ELSE Yhu Wannah Major In Cus Being In The Star Light Is Not What These Kids ND Adults Want Yhu To Do……ND Plus Whats The Difference Between Miley ND Hannah If There Both Stuburen ND Act JUST THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hanah montana is very beautifuL girl.she is intelligent .Love love
that is mean some people like her i do how about some one said that to u.u will not like it
hannah montana suck selena gomez is pretier than u and everything else look at u r teeth eww
hi! i love hannah montana! she iz da best and she so gud at singing and shez fake but i dont care because shez cool and i like fakez aniway and i wanna be her biggest fan and yea.
hannah i love you. you rock. i know people dont like you but there wrong. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH. XOXO
My daughter loves Hannah Monana and so does my son, so all u that r hating on her FUCK OFF.!!!
i love Hannah Montana
Best website! I enjoyed myself. I will read more of your informations! Dear Barney 😉
[…] Award, the voters being a bunch of 10-15 year olds. Like I would care what a bunch of clueless tangerines have to say about anything. These are the kids who are probably hopped up on Ritalin and zoom […]
[…] year old has a vocation but in this instance, a muzzle would be the must-have accessory for this tangerine. (Click that word to know what I mean by tangerine or see […]
i love hana montana love song