Posts Tagged «tangerine»
Thanks to Twitter, Marc Jacobs now knows the downside of Social Media. Some intern had the quintessential bad first job experience and Twittered about how horrendous Robert Duffy is. Look, I am sure he is no picnic, but who is? It sounds like this boy, fresh out of college and being mollycoddled his whole life, could not figure out how to deal with the real world. There are studies after studies showing that the Baby Boomer parents have raised a generation of the neediest, spoon-fed, car-pooled tangerines. When kids get into the work force, they are overwhelmed for not being… Read More »

Cecilia Cassini…Eek
Are you ready to cringe? httpv:// Just so you all know, my newest, favorite expression is “EEK” and though I rarely use exclamation points, in the case of Cecilia Cassini, EEK! Sure, it is very admirable that a ten year old has a vocation but in this instance, a muzzle would be the must-have accessory for this tangerine. (Click that word to know what I mean by tangerine or see below.) The dress Cecilia is wearing on the purple carpet looks like a costume from a kindergarten play. Throwing butterfly wings on a dress otherwise worn by one of the… Read More »
Worst Celebrity Influence Award?
Just when you thought there could be no more meaningless awards shows a.k.a. the People’s Choice Awards, comes the lamest one yet. AOL has created an award called the Worst Celebrity Influence Award, the voters being a bunch of 10-15 year olds. Like I would care what a bunch of clueless tangerines have to say about anything. These are the kids who are probably hopped up on Ritalin and zoom around from dance class to soccer practice to whatever other after-school nonsense. The W.C.I. Award went to Miley Cyrus. That is in and of itself is the reason to ignore… Read More »

Hannah Montana: Rest In Peace
A recent article in The New York Times Style about Miley Cyrus is reason one to celebrate the passing of Hannah Montana. The article quotes Percy Hamm, some 11-year old who is disenchanted with her recent risque behavior. When asked about the Vanity Fair pictorial, she said, “I don’t know what was going on in her head.” Like I…or Miley…give a hoot about what some judgmental tangerine thinks about her life choices? Let me clarify: A tangerine is what I call precocious, unruly, overly verbal, whiny kids. Several years ago, Tropicana was launching a line of fruit flavored drinks, and… Read More »