It Was A Handshake, Not A Hand Job

Apr 21, 2009Breaking Newzzz


I really try not to include Republicans in my daily entries on I Mean…What?!? But they sure make it hard to avoid with their endless reactionary grandstanding and annoying comments. Hopefully, they will continue to dwindle, then poof…disappear. I speak today of The Dick Cheney and the backlash against the handshake between Barak Obama and Hugo Chavez. Seems that The Dick, a.k.a. Darth Vader or rather, The Emperor (as per George Lucas), is all up in a kerfuffle about the handshake from last weekend. “The president needs to distinguish between good [guys] and bad guys.” Oy, this story again? “Either you’re with us or against us?” That went over like a lead balloon. Hey Dick, it’s called obscurity. Go for it!

This war monger is still news? This charlatan gets airtime? Give me Susan Boyle any day. She may look like Cheney, but when she opens her mouth sweet music flows as opposed to venemous gibberish. Can’t that Big (though I bet Little) Dick follow in the footsteps of his predessecor Al Gore and do something positive and meaningful with his remaining time on Earth? Here’s a perfect example of how these Republicans contradict their religious beliefs. By not doing a damn thing that is good, kind or righteous. I guess he knows, after water boarding and all the other evilina stuff he’s done to destroy our international reputation, that he is going straight to hell, so why bother.

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