More Bla Bla on "Tea Baggers"

Who didn’t love the first season of Jersey Shore? MTV hit pay dirt with their updated Big Brother starring Goombas and Goombettes—a peek into the lives of those Bridge and Tunnel types that you otherwise turned your nose up at. It was a hoot. Snooki, The Situation and Pauly D were refreshing characters in all their low-brow, innocence and simplicity. Anyone in their right mind (we are talking about the MTV viewing audience here) would not give these folks the time of day beyond observing how they live and act. Like some kind of sociological experiment gone awry. Somehow, this… Read More »

Poor Sarah Palin. Now that she has been marginalized and stuffed back in her Wasilla box, she is desperately trying to claw her way back into some sort of rhetorical relevance by spewing hatred on, what else, Fox News. Any money bet that she had her finger in the reality show deal for Beehive, the hair salon that is credited for her up-dos. The new show, Big Hair Alaska will air on TLC, the network that brought you Sarah Palin killing animals and winking. Coincidence? I don’t think so. The other thing is that she is on contract with Fox… Read More »

I did a piece on Bullying last year, around the time I was on the committee for Stomp Out Bullying. Seems like this conversation will never end so I am hereby reissuing it below. As someone who was bullied, it is my responsibility to continue to speak out against it. In regards to the Tracy Morgan flap, who surely spoke like a douche bag, he also happened to crack a hilarious joke. One of my saving graces during my bullying years was my ability to laugh in the face of danger. Humor is a great weapon against bullies. Bullies are… Read More »

  “After considerable deliberation and reflection, I have decided not to pursue the office of the Presidency.” What a crock of hooey. Just want to share with you what I said right away about this blowhard: (MARCH 31, 2011) – Anyone that cannot see that Donald Trump is taking the birther stance in regards to Barack Obama does not understand the politics of the Nielsen Ratings. Donald Trump has no interest whatsoever in becoming President of the United States. The reason why the The “Orange” Donald is yammering about his possible candidacy is strictly to promote Celebrity Apprentice. Forget about… Read More »

NEWS UPDATE (April Fools, no joke) – Before you read yesterday’s story, the big story today is that Donald Trump will get a “morning chat” kind of spot on Fox News, during Fox and Friends. Bold, brash and never bashful is his slogan. Hot. He will appear every Monday, kind of like a Monday morning quarterback. (MARCH 31, 2011) – Anyone that cannot see that Donald Trump is taking the birther stance in regards to Barack Obama does not understand the politics of the Nielsen Ratings. Donald Trump has no interest whatsoever in becoming President of the United States. The… Read More »

I cannot stand Michele Bachmann. She is evil incarnate and crazier than Charlie Sheen.She is the answer to the prayer of crazy toothless zealots that scare the beJesus out of me. She threatens the very freedom that we have enjoyed for years because one thing the Tea Party represents, is a mindset from the 1700s, including a pro-slavery stance. Michele Bachmann was just on Meet The Press, why David Gregory would give that psycho-bitch airtime is beyond me.  Then again, with Christiane Amanpour being all sorts of globally fabulous, it proves that NBC has lost its footing with Gregory and… Read More »

Is it me or does it feel like “coming out season” is under way in Hollywood? Since that NOH8 campaign started featuring weird straight people like Rachel Uchitel and Meghan McCain, it seems like gay stars are flying out of the closet in record speed. Ellen Degeneres paved the way for stars to see a clear path to success on television by being out and proud. That, and a few cosmetics contracts make Ellen the high-priestess of gay marketability. It used to be that stars would remain tucked away in the closet for fear of ruining their careers just by… Read More »

I went to a parochial school and remember one of my tougher teachers yelling at a little kid who was crying for some reason or another to, “Stop that blubbering”. No, it was not directed at me. Though I distinctly remember that the use of the word “blubbering” made me so uncomfortable because I was a chubby kid. Blubbering stings. I have not heard that term used since then, but it seems most appropriate to describe the new leaders of the Republican Party. Could you just imagine what these born again Tea Baggers, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner would say… Read More »

Taxes schmaxes. The silliest part of this whole tax drama is how obsessed the Republican and Tea Parties are with how much better off we will be if the very rich get a tax break. Well, naturally the Tea Baggers are all for tax cuts for the rich, because they are so clueless, they think somehow the money will be trickled back to them so then they can finally buy teeth. As as for the Republican’s, well we know that those guys will do anything to oil their fund-raising machine, especially now that the doubly annoying Michael Steele is in… Read More »

Well, I am surprised that ads like Vote or Die have not started running again. Let’s face it, it would be in keeping with a lot of the rhetoric that we have been hearing during this mid-term election cycle. Just wanted to take the day to be kind and loving and beseech you to help get the voting message out. Whatever your network is…and whatever means you communicate with them…please…invite everyone you know to vote tomorrow. It is our right as Americans…it is your duty as a citizen…and anything short of that is just apathy, which leads to alienation…and in… Read More »