More Bla Bla on "tangerine"

This is proof that Britney’s daddy needs to stop overseeing her press. She needed to have those kids of hers in the photos at all times. Not looking like a tangerine. – THAT GRAPE JUICE Eating his own food is what killed Jimmy Dean. This looks like corn dog’s with zits. Brech. – D LISTED Christina wants glommy with one of her dancers. Isn’t that Miley Cyrus’ thing? – MAIL ONLINE… Read More »

Am I that old where I can no longer appreciate teenyboppers? Am I that cranky and jaded that there’s no summoning up the adulation for a Twinkie that sings? Am I alone here? When I was young, yes, 4,000 years ago, we also had heartthrobs that swept the nation. We might have started that phenomenon actually. Well, Elvis did and that was before my time. But Elvis changed music as did The Beatles. They changed everything beyond music, too, like personal style and while they were at it, the entire culture. One can surely understand screaming for them. But I… Read More »

Am I Missing Something re: Justin Bieber

Awww…how cute. Usher just bought Justin Bieber a Range Rover for his 16th birthday. Tell me, can we expect to see an episode of MTV’s My Super Sweet 16 for this monumental occasion? Yikes. Speaking of yikes…watch this video featuring Cody, the whiny, little tangerine that has Bieber Fever.… Read More »

How did The New York Times Style section figure out a way to stretch an article about Justin Bieber as long as it was? The guy is still in diapers for Christ’s sake. Is there really enough depth for such an extensive piece? Oh, right, the Jingle Ball, now there’s a life-altering lesson to share. Needless to say, when I read that his mother was praying that the Jewish hip-hop manager would not be their ticket to fame and fortune, I cringed. But to learn that Justin has a swagger coach…for what…to give his prepubescent genital area some Elvis action…well…I… Read More »

It never ceases to amaze me how some people walk around, be it at events, or otherwise, in get ups that are just shockingly wrong. Doesn’t Own A Mirror could become a weekly column, seeing what weird taste people have. The focus is on those folks that should know better…like people that the media follows, who simply must know a stylist or a gay, to help them navigate the horrors of looking like…well…this…… Read More »