More Bla Bla on "bachmann"

Yes, Wisconsin, get ready to be the BUTT of the Marcus and Michele Bachmann jokes. Marcus better for his own good.… Read More »

Awwww, poor Michelle Bachmann. She’s running neck and neck with the losers Rick Santorum and Jon Huntsman for Biggest Loser in recent polls. Now, look, I am the first one to call that woman a crackpot and her gay husband Marcus Bachmann, a closet case. But to refresh your memory, I started the Michelle Bachmann for President campaign in May (see below), knowing full well that she guarantees Barack Obama’s second term. Well, I am still happy to support Bachmann for President. Please join me. Listening to old bug eyes yattle on and on how she would stop giving food… Read More »

Would you go to Iowa to see Randy Travis perform? Let me sweeten the pie and tell you that he will be the featured performer at Michele Bachmann‘s Straw Poll Hootenanny. Yes, Michele has looped in the skeletor of country music to entice folks to come to her tent, while her husband Marcus offers free personal styling tips—while turning you straight. Team Bachmann also promises to provide barbecue, beverages and an air-conditioned tent where Tea Bagger zealots can relax, hang out and get brainwashed into thinking that Bachmann stands a chance. Talk about getting cluck for your buck. What is… Read More »

More Bachmann For Your Money
Dishy dish dish. Madame Michele Bachmann and her personal stylist/husband Marcus Bachmann are being called out on The Huffington Post for being massive hypocrites. While the Bachmann’s are known to trash Obama spending habits, the dish is that they were first in line with hands out applying for their piece of the Obama Sweet Potato Pie. Gross. And speaking of gross, now we can sit back and watch that Gross Baboon and her Grosser Baboon of a husband crash and burn. As reported in Huff Po: A Freedom of Information Act request filed by The Huffington Post with three separate… Read More »

If anyone needs to hire ID-PR, Slate or 42 West, it is Michele Bachmann. Say what you want about those pushy celebrity publicists, but you will NEVER see a cover shot of Jake Gyllenhaal looking like he is tweaking, or Jennifer Aniston looking like she is plugged into a socket. Granted, celebrity publicists have gotten a “not great” reputation as being bitchy and annoying, but they do their job, and usually very well. There are plenty of not-interesting talent that celebrity publicists get tons of coverage on. I won’t get into it now (January Jones) so I can stay on… Read More »

The battle rages on between Tim (Zzzz) Pawlenty and Michele (Not tonight, I have a headache) Bachmann. He says this, she says that and the mudslinging has started before these horses asses are out of the gate.… Read More »

Tyra Banks, move over. We are now watching the ultimate beauty contest between Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann as they go toe to toe in the hopes of becoming America’s Next Top Model… Citizen? Now all we need is a segment with Miss J Alexander as he shows the hopefuls how to walk up to the podium with grace, turn, nod to constituents, wave ever so slightly, then walk off stage without answering any questions. There is little difference between these two ladies when you stop, look and listen to them. Welcome to our newest reality show, model camp meets… Read More »

The gloves are off and the cat fight begins between Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, the Doublemint Twins of the Tea Party. Neither zealot has officially entered the race yet, but they are already taking jabs at each other through their hired mouth pieces. What is more brilliant than that? Brilliant because as I predicted months ago, there will be no harmony with this duet. It is similar to the similarities of Bryce Dallas Howard and Jessica Chastain. It is hard to tell them apart, too. In March, when the Charlie Sheen meltdown was monopolizing the airwaves, I wrote: The… Read More »
The past few days while Charlie Sheen has been monopolizing the airwaves, the happy homemakers, Sarah (Cross-Hair) Palin and Michele (Cross-Eyed) Bachmann have been doing their darndest to get some face time on the boob tube. Naturally, Fox News to the rescue, where Ms. Blabbermouth #1 has been spewing venomous insults about the Obama Administration, while her potential Presidential rival Ms. Blabbermouth #2 was doing the same. The slanderous comments such as “Gangster Government” is so racially motivated, that it makes John Galliano look like Mother Teresa. Now, these two bimbettes have synced up their talking points to the point… Read More »
I cannot stand Michele Bachmann. She is evil incarnate and crazier than Charlie Sheen.She is the answer to the prayer of crazy toothless zealots that scare the beJesus out of me. She threatens the very freedom that we have enjoyed for years because one thing the Tea Party represents, is a mindset from the 1700s, including a pro-slavery stance. Michele Bachmann was just on Meet The Press, why David Gregory would give that psycho-bitch airtime is beyond me. Then again, with Christiane Amanpour being all sorts of globally fabulous, it proves that NBC has lost its footing with Gregory and… Read More »