Cardinal Francis George Apologizes For Klu Klux Klan Krack

Jan 8, 2012Breaking Newzzz

Of off the people to call someone else Klu Klux Klan.

UPDATE: Well lookie who just came sniveling and apologizing to the gay community for referring to them as members of the Klu Klux Klan. The man behind the dress, the Klu Klux Klan looking dress, as it were.

From December 26: Cardinal Francis George Compares Gays to Klu Klux Klan

Well lookie who recently compared gay people to the Klu Klux Klan. The guy in the center of the controversy (and in this picture) is Cardinal Francis George. Look who’s talking. Is it me or is this holy-water splashing, dress wearer wearing a full-length white number complete with Wicked Witch of the West inspired hat that together looks remarkably similar to the Klu Klux Klan uniform.

Let me just call the kettle black here. Cardinal George had to settle a sexual harassment case between an unamed boy and a priest named Daniel McCormack who pleaded guilty in 2007 to abusing five boys (ages 10-12) and was sentenced to five years in prison. Cardinal Francis George had failed to remove McCormack from access to children although he had knowledge that the priest had sexually abused minors. And this is who is in charge of spiritual growth? if anyone needs a visit by the real Klu Klux Klan…


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