Not to MiMA, that's for sure.
Have you heard about MiMA? Can you guess what it is? Nope, guess again. If you live in Manhattan or Miami and are familiar with the nicknames certain neighborhoods, well, here’s one that takes the cake. MiMA stands for Middle Manhattan. No, that is not Hell’s Kitchen. Somehow that neighborhood has become hip. No, MiMa is trying to claim it is the new cool part of town. The ad campaign plastered around New York City is from a real estate developer, Related, who has built a monstrosity of a structure at 42nd Street and 12th Avenue near the Hudson River, is trying to lay claim that MiMA is the new cool place to live. Now, unless you are a massive Intrepid fan or like to bowl a lot, which is tres chic, don’t ask, then there is nothing else to do in MiMA. No restaurants in spitting distance, no grocery stores, no nothing. Maybe by 2024 things will have changed, but for now, with a bunch of banker types moving into that area, one cannot see anything hip about MiMA on the horizon. Unless they start fashion bowling nightly and Marc Jacobs moves his Spring ’12 fashion show from The 26th Street Armory to Lucky Strike.
I was just googling the building and found your blog…as someone who lives in the neighborhood I just feel like pointing out how wrong you are about Mima's location:
There's a grocery store, CVS, Chase, and Subway literally across the street. Starbuck, a liquor store around the corner. Several off-broadway theaters next door (and soon in the building). And, there are hundreds of great restaurants and bars within a 5 minute walk.
I am glad you are happy there. It doesn't feel like a neighborhood to me. I almost moved into the Strand. Fortunately, my first choice downtown came through. Wishing you nothing but happiness.