Posts Tagged «Marc Jacobs»

KKK Debut Collection @NYFW
Move over Marc Jacobs, Brandon Maxwell and Raf Simmons because the KKK debuts its ready-to-wear collection @NYFW. Will Anna Wintour sit front row? The White House has requested front row seats for Melania Trump, while Ivanka Kushner has refused to attend in solidarity with her Jewish husband, Jared, the nebbish.… Read More »

The Manzie Report. You know you want it, especially because it has been way too long since the last one. Just because I am no longer diligently blogging and pontificating on all things ridiculous does not mean I am dead. On the contrary, I have been lollygagging in Los Angeles writing a book and need to use all those creative juices for the massive undertaking of writing a novel. Until I can crank out The Great American Novel that is titled Last Five Minutes of Fame, here is a little somethin’ somethin’ to chew on. So, without any further ado,… Read More »

Manzies Italian Style
Remember the movie Divorce Italian Style, the hilarious satire of male-chauvinist society in Italy? Well, move over ’cause the Manzies are taking the title for themselves. The Milan men’s shows are in full bloom and there are some Bloomsbury beauties among other mishaps and very little that screams male-chauvinism. On the contrary. It is as though some of these designers are divorced from their better judgment, or any guy that wears them will be. You tell me. … Read More »

Who watched Fashion Star? OK, don’t admit it. I am kinda embarrassed to say that I tuned in. The format of Fashion Star is a bad combination of Let’s Make A Deal meets Antiques Roadshow meets To Tell The Truth. They should re-name the show Have I Got A Schmatta For You. First of all, the little vignettes about each “designer’s” life is so uninteresting, it makes the American Idol visits to the finalists high school seem riveting, comparatively speaking. Attention: Television Producers… no one cares about these obscure hopefuls. I did not care about them on that show Scouted… Read More »

Manzies Are Back… Guess Who
“They’re baaack!” Remember Poltergeist II (see clip below) and to quote another line from the film here, “You are gonna die”, but only in the way that Rachel Zoe dies…as in I D-I-E. Manzies are back with a vengeance. Just look at what Marc Jacobs more to his Louis Vuitton after party in Paris. This updated Muu-Muu gown could very well be a Miu Miu gown, since he and Miuccia are palsies. But, hey, bless his heart for walking around as comfortably as he looks, complete with Priscilla Alden Pilgrim shoes, and not an ounce of flab. I’d kill to… Read More »

Get out your mothballs ladies (and those few men) for Spring has sprung and the Little Black Dress is nowhere to be found. Lord knows there are plenty of printed dresses and surely it is safe to say that white is the new black. (Both in fashion AND politics, sadly.) But if you are one who believes in the power of the L.B.D., then you need to move off Fashion-Main Street for a bit and hide. Be sure to keep your tasteful, always appropriate, L.B.D. in a plastic zippered, hanging bag with mothballs until it is safe to come back… Read More »

Marc Jacobs To Christian Dior?!?
Paris is burning and I am not talking about Miss Thing and her House of LeBajia or Willi Ninja either. No, word is out that Marc Jacobs may take over the coveted spot at Christian Dior, which would be so fantastic, from a best choice perspective. That job must be given to a press darling, not a competent technician. As the rejiggering gets under way at LVMH, and Celine sweetheart Phoebe Philo is mentioned to replace Marc at Louis Vuitton, that would have the fashion industry have its cake and eat it too—as opposed to “let them eat cake”. This… Read More »

There is not much to say. This Not Best Dressed List has become a staple in the I Mean…What?!? universe and shall stay in place forever. Why? Because so many fashionistas are clueless. Or just not brilliant. Words speak volumes, but pictures tell the story. Without any further ado, here are this year’s entries onto The CFDA NOT Best Dressed List for your perusal. Follow us on Twitter or Like Us on Facebook.… Read More »
MiMA: When Donkeys Fly
Have you heard about MiMA? Can you guess what it is? Nope, guess again. If you live in Manhattan or Miami and are familiar with the nicknames certain neighborhoods, well, here’s one that takes the cake. MiMA stands for Middle Manhattan. No, that is not Hell’s Kitchen. Somehow that neighborhood has become hip. No, MiMa is trying to claim it is the new cool part of town. The ad campaign plastered around New York City is from a real estate developer, Related, who has built a monstrosity of a structure at 42nd Street and 12th Avenue near the Hudson River,… Read More »
Thanks to Twitter, Marc Jacobs now knows the downside of Social Media. Some intern had the quintessential bad first job experience and Twittered about how horrendous Robert Duffy is. Look, I am sure he is no picnic, but who is? It sounds like this boy, fresh out of college and being mollycoddled his whole life, could not figure out how to deal with the real world. There are studies after studies showing that the Baby Boomer parents have raised a generation of the neediest, spoon-fed, car-pooled tangerines. When kids get into the work force, they are overwhelmed for not being… Read More »