Poor Sarah Palin. Now that she has been marginalized and stuffed back in her Wasilla box, she is desperately trying to claw her way back into some sort of rhetorical relevance by spewing hatred on, what else, Fox News. Any money bet that she had her finger in the reality show deal for Beehive, the hair salon that is credited for her up-dos. The new show, Big Hair Alaska will air on TLC, the network that brought you Sarah Palin killing animals and winking. Coincidence? I don’t think so. The other thing is that she is on contract with Fox News, so they are obligated to feature her on shows like Hannity, where the two of them can act like coffee klatch conservatives and bemoan the president and all his minions. Look, no one is really pleased with the recent debt ceiling deal. Tea Baggers and yentas like Sarah Palin—whose hair looks terrible and unusually thin—that held the House and Congress hostage with their evil-doer spending cuts, are about to feel the wrath of their best intentions. Case in point, check out the stock market.
Sarah Palin said horrific things about Barack Obama the other night on Hannity. And to quote Aunite ‘Em from The Wizard Of Oz, “For twenty-three months, I’ve been dying to tell you what I thought of you! And now… well, being a Christian woman, I can’t say it!” (Or a Jewish one, I might add.) Naturally, no one expects Sarah to acknowledge Obama for caving to the demands of her far right cronies. She was quick to say how wonderful Michele Bachmann is, speaking of caving. Speaking of hair, you know that Marcus Bachmann oversees Michele’s coiffing along with her wardrobe. He’s the George Kotsiopoulos of the Tea Party.

See how thick and great her hair used to be before she started pulling it ourt of her head in frustration for losing her place at the table?