I'll have an non-Long Island Ice Tea.
There is a heartwarming article in The New York Times Style section today about sober living at summer shares at the beach. It surely is admirable, I couldn’t do it. Give me the caw of a seagull and I need to order a Planter’s Punch…stat. I’ve dabbled in sobriety and have been known to say,” I used to be friends with Bill…” Anyhoo, to support these guys taking the healthy step to be sober and have a life…I give them a few steps to add to their already 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.:
The Other Steps of Fire Island
- We admitted we were powerless over staying at home in New York City on weekends—that our limited social lives had become unmanageable.
- Came to believe that the Power of the beach, sun and could restore us to sanity-ish.
- Made a decision to turn our pills and our small plastic baggies over to the care of God as we understood Him.
- Were entirely ready to have God remove all those bitchy, crystal Morning Party Queens from eye sight.
- Humbly asked Him to remove their Speedos.
- Made a list of all dealers we had stiffed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
You see where I am going. I just want to infuse a little reality in the 12 Steps. Hope this helps. Have a great summer boys.