Just what the world was waiting for, a whole new crop of manzies. Introducing this revolutionary collection by Harvard Yard...park this.
Wonders will never cease and change is not likely at The New York Times Sunday Styles. On several occasions I have been astonished at the out of touchness, the irrelevance, and some of the people they take to A Night Out With. It’s shoc…king! Yesterday we have three ditties that I found dubious at best. First off, there was a piece on the new Harvard Yard men’s collection. Excuse me, I reported on that over three weeks ago. Now granted, the Times Style is not a fashion rag and need not be as topical as would a fashion trade publication. But IMW is not either. I found the Harvard Yard line of Yuppie wear to be a news story. That a college with the stature of Harvard throwing it’s hat in to the schmateh peddling ring is beyond me and definitely news. The word now is that Harvard Yard will raise funds for the less financially able to attend the school. Honey, I spent years in the not-for-profit sector and that is such a batch of hooey. I used to roll my eyes at corporations that wanted a “tie-in” to justify their nonsense. Catch this: “It’s a modern rendition of a classic American heritage,” said John Fowler, the creative director. “We want to combine the power of Harvard with the power of a plaid shirt.” Are you breching? Okideer. Sure, buy this nothing special shirt and help create another Barak Obama. Oy, has this guy got a bridge to sell you? Fortunately, Times Style had the good sense to interview Lisa Birnbach, who put together The Official Preppy Handbook and said, “Even if the styles of line outwardly conforms to preppy standards, its blatant commercialism runs against the entire ethos.” End scene.

Yeah, dude.
A Night Out With ran to Los Angeles (as we have no one of note here in NYC, don’t ya know) to hang with Pete Wentz. Are you trying to tell me that there isn’t a fashion designer in New York City on the eve of Fashion Week that wouldn’t be more compelling to spend a bit of quality time with? How do they relax and unwind now that the pressure is on? Don’t you want to know? Instead, we go play with Pete Wentz and his comic books…yes…I know…he’s also a designer of Clandestine Industries (appropriately named). Perhaps I am a bit longer in the tooth that those who want to know Pete Wentz’s whereabouts, but I frankly think that there are more people of my circumstance reading The Times that the mall kids that Mr. Wentz appeals to. Obviously trying to increase readership much? There has to be a better way. Call me…I have plenty of suggestions.

The Madoff Toilet...
And finally, why was the story on the Madoff Montauk house in the Style section? Yoo Hoo…it’s a Real Estate / Gossip story…ish. Frankly, I’d like to think that The New York Times reader has better things to do with their leisure time than hover like vultures over such a bad vibes piece of property, making this a story more for Dan’s Papers. Fotz.