Being amongst a collection of collagenous junkies out here in Fire Island, where an arrogant puss is as common as sand, it got me to thinking about arrogance in general. Lord knows gays have not cornered the market on that lovely trait, but oh, how they try. Today’s news featured a few arrogant twits. All of them suffering from that terminal illness of believing their own press. And they all have something else in common: flared nostrils, slightly turned up as though they are smelling week-old fish left in the fridge. That is sooo the look of arrogance. Here now are a few ditties from today’s more useless press items…but hey, I’m on vacation in Fire Island…light and frothy is on the menu.

Apparently, The MisShapes had a hard time getting into an event that they were slated to DJ because security didn't know who they were and they had no ID on them, like the Queen of England. Could you image the look of their faces? Besides DJ's that used to be of note, these three could be the poster children for arrogance. I have yet to meet someone that hasn't concurred.
![gdayaustraliaweek2008blacktiegalaquopfy8encul Thom Browne is expanding into the Asian market. “It’s one place in the world [where] I feel like they really understand what I do,” Browne told WWD. That's right dear. The one and only place. 'Cause outside of seeing a few Manzies and pansies sporting your stuff...well...need I say more?](
Thom Browne is expanding into the Asian market. “It’s one place in the world I feel like they really understand what I do,” Browne told WWD. That's right dear. The one and only place. 'Cause outside of seeing a few Manzies and pansies sporting your stuff...well...need I say more?"

Yeah, yeah, whatever, Slumdog Millionaire won Best Film, but since then...which is eons ago, the stars of the film, Dev Patel and Frida Pinto have been acting like "who they think they are", dodging the press and running from paparazzi like Brangelina. Are you kidding? You made one movie, relax. Who cares! Talk about believing your own press.
every time i hear about Fire Island, I can't help but picture Harvey Fierstein walking along the beach talking about Greta Garbo in that old movie 'Garbo Talks'.
This has nothing to do with arrogance, but it popped into my head. Hope you are having a fab time!
Very on point about The MisShpaes….I don't know ANYONE who likes them….well except themselves