Gross Baboons

If given the choice, the Liberty students would probably prefer gays.

Mitt “The Bully” Romney gave the commencement speech at Liberty University, a conservative, southern Christian temple of doom, I mean, learning. There he pontificated on the fact that marriage is between one man and one woman. Romney was in the right place though to vomit his blather. Liberty U. is in Lynchburg, Virginia, where the graduating class would surely enjoy a good lynching of gays given the chance. Give me liberty or give me death? I think the Liberties would prefer to see the death…of gays.… Read More »

This is how Fatty Calatty really looks these days.

Seems like Gross Baboon alum, Rush Limbaugh is back at it again, blabbering, blubbering and saying stupid stuff. What else is new? Can we finally boybott this disgusting creature and put him out of commission once and for all? This cross-addicted Oxycontin addict has the balls to trash Hillary Clinton on his toothless-people-only-listeners radio show. The fat Gross Baboon actually said, “You can almost say folks, that Mrs. Clinton worked very hard throughout her whole life and has reached a pinnacle, and all she is is a secretary,” he said laughing. “She’s a secretary of defense,” he added. Limbaugh then… Read More »

Mel Gibson wants to reclaim his title of Gross Baboon of the Year over Ted Nugent.

Seems like whatever BP Oil did to close up the hole in the Gulf of Mexico a couple of summers ago did not take with Mel Gibson. Back then I wrote once BP capped the spill to use that same technique on Mel Gibson, when he would not shut up and ranted on and on. Well, perhaps BP knows oil wells but cannot contain Mel “The Nut” Gibson. How on Earth does Hollywood keep hiring this guy? Is there no other talent out there? The fact is, there is, and to support insane lunatics like Gibson is being equally responsible… Read More »

Well lookie here. It

UPDATE: Ted “The Noodge” Nugent continued his antisemitic meets racist rants by spewing these lovely pearls, “I’m a black Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally.” What does that even mean? I think what he meant to say was that he is a Nazi, who has a hard-on for the Klu Klux Klan and if he had his druthers, he would happily kill all the Jews and blacks. Unless I am missing something. As you can see above, Gross and Grosser are thick as thieves. Sarah Palin loves her some Noodge. The gun toting Grizzly Mom and the Grosser GunNazi make the perfect evil doer couple, don’t ya think?… Read More »

NBC are Gross Baboons for hiring Sarah Palin, the Gross Baboon.

Nothing is more infuriating than NBC’s desperate attempt to compete with ABC’s Good Morning America as the ratings war heats up. Katie Couric will be the co-host on GMA on Tuesday (tomorrow) morning since she is under contract with an upcoming talk show. To battle that move, Today Show booked Sarah Palin to go up against her as their co-host with Matt Lauer. Since Ann Curry has been at the helm, the reviews for Today Show could not be worse. NBC must have freaked out when they heard that Katie Couric was on board for hosting duties. But of all… Read More »

Be afraid, ladies, be very afraid.

What happened to the women’s movement? In the aftermath of the recent Rush Limbaugh Slut-gate, coupled with the queasy-stomach inducing Rick Santorum rhetoric about contraception, I am harkened back to the Salem Witch Trials. How can you allow Gross Baboons like Sanotrum and Limbaugh make hay? Surely you learned about those days, before Gloria Steinem made it OK for women to have an opinion and Helen Gurley Brown cleared the path to having an orgasm. It was before Erica Jong’s Fear of Flying, which was around the time when burning the bra replaced shopping for them. Wasn’t this incredible time… Read More »

Even Sammy Davis had similar feelings.

Are you like me in that sometimes you don’t feel part of the action? No matter what you do for a living, who you know (celebrities, taste-makers), regardless of how fierce you were in your youth, and now with the face-paced, cluster-f#&k of social media, there is no keeping up with the Joneses. Surely not with the Kardashians. Imagine if you got paid for every time you had sex, washed your face or went to the gym. How did I not get onto that trajectory? Talk about missing the boat. Or in the case of the Kardashians, the yacht.… Read More »

rick santorum, the new black is orange

This political season, the media is making mountains out of molehills. Case in point, the supposed momentum of Rick “I HATE SEX” Santorum. Momentum schmomentum… and I use the term schmo-mentum literally here. This guy is such a dufus, that he actually thinks he has a chance. All of a sudden he has that Orange Republican Glow (ORG) about him as shown above. Clearly when a Republican is having a good day, they run to get a spray tan and there is no one in their camp to tell them that they look ridiculous. Cases in point: see below. So,… Read More »

Jules and Charles Manson sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.

You are looking into the face of evil. On the right is the known murderer and sadist Charles Manson. Fortunately he is safely tucked away in a maximum security prison after the string of murders including actress, Sharon Tate. The other guy is James Manson, no relation except for their evil-ness. James Mason went on record to say that Barack Obama and his two daughters should be assassinated. This Tea Bagging Tea Party douche bag actually ran for office and posted on Facebook this lovely rant: “Assassinate the f—– n—– and his monkey children.” So, I ask you, are we… Read More »

Sarah Palin is sufferiing from bad hair days.

As if being a Lifetime Recipient of the Gross Baboon of the Year Award is not enough, Sarah Palin alluded to or hinted at or just plain vomitted this: “You know, it’s not too late for folks to jump in,” to the Fox Business Network Monday evening. “I don’t know, who knows what will happen in the future.” You don’t know? I know. You will lose miserably. And that will not help your chances of getting another reality show. Unless… and this is a prdiction: Mark Burnett and Sarah Palin want to do a reality show of a failed attempt… Read More »