Prince Harry, the royal mench.
Watching Prince Harry gallivant around New York City smiling, shaking hands, planting trees, honoring the fallen at the World Trade Center had such an unexpected impact on me. Granted, he is beyond adorable…but not only because of that. There was something magical about him. I was deeply effected by Princess Diana’s death and seeing him being so magnanimous touched me in a gentle, yet profound way, as did the circumstances around her untimely, unnecessary death. Boy, would she be proud. Then I got to thinking about who do we in America have that exudes that royal air. Since our Kennedy-Camelot era is behind us (oy, the Caroline senator debacle….yikes) here are a few possibilities…that frankly, just don’t match up. They’re what we have but…
- The Obamas? Sure, they have that major impact, both here and abroad. I grant them that. But, it’s kind of nouveau, in a way. They definitely have that magic, but it is so newly acquired, that, well…hmmm…
- Oprah? She used to have it…but now that she is the most overexposed thing on the planet…it has tarnished her brand a bit. And her ongoing weight issue is more Fergie than Tudor. I loves me my Oprah, but royal? eh.
- Brad and Angelina? Yeah, they’re fierce and gorgeous and stunning and delicious and amazing and generous and beyond. But, they don’t go out to the crowd as did Prince Harry. They are part of the circle of beyond the velvet ropes. Whereas Harry was sweetly accessible. Brangelina are just very to themselves in all their fabuosity.
And now for our American Royal Families Pains In The Ass List. I mean…what?!?

This is the family our country is obsessed with. Can someone please pull the plug on these low-rent, uber-nobodies? And fast!

All things Palin, be it her brood or the horrendous white-trash almost in-laws...well...if anyone should shoot anything...

And what in tarnation makes this troop of weirdos press worthy? Help!
Hulk Hogan's wife is supiciously channeling Donatella in that photo
Loveyour site, Abe!