Madonna Will Always Be My Material Girl

Sep 6, 2011People We Lerve

The Material Girl living in a material world. Material as in schmatta.

Ever since Madonna jumped into the schmatta business, it has been a head-scratcher. Why the lame move from musical icon to tween celebrity-turned-fashion-designer extraordinaire? Sure, she’s made some cute moves like hiring Taylor Momsen, the Gossip Girl cast-off as the original face of the label, Material Girl. But overall, Madonna & Schmatta was just an odd lot job lot. The news that LA Triumph, a garmento company in California, is suing Madonna, claiming the rights to the name Material Girl is really annoying. Sure, the tween Macy’s fest is somewhat beneath my Material Girl but Madonna is and will always be the Material Girl. For the judge to not throw this out of court is redonculous. That’s like saying that Brangelina is not Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

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