What would Edina and Patsy do?
So next up is NY Fashion Week. And an interesting one it will be. You have Marc Jacobs cutting his audience by two-thirds, Vera Wang not doing a show, Betsey Johnson fleeing the tents, independant designers bellying up. I mean…what?!? Has the world come to a fierce end? With all the doom and gloom in the financial headlines, WWD is beginning to sound like Chicken Little. But, this is the New York Fashion Week, for Christ sakes. The smoke-and-mirrors, Emperor’s-new-clothes capital of the world. We can’t act like we’ve been licked by this stupid recession. We have to “act as if”. Isn’t that what we’ve all learned in AA? (Or whatever 12-Step program you’ve undoubtedly gone through…at least once.) Yes, we can act like this is a blip on the screen, a run in the stocking, a lose thread in a Chanel jacket. It’s not the end of the world. It’s a new beginning. And we all get to be a touch more responsible and humble. But still fabulous.
What would Edina and Pasty do? I’ll tell you. “Let’s have another gin and tonic, Eddie” is what would happen. And I second that emotion.
Love ya, lunch.