The Endless Lindsay Lohan Comments

Dec 6, 2009People We Lerve
Yesteray's news triggered endless comments.

Yesteray's news triggered endless comments.

Yesterday, I Mean…What?!? shared the cover art for the upcoming issue of MUSE, the Fashionart Magazine from Milan shot by Yu Tsai, featuring Lindsay Lohan. You’d think by the the comments all over the internet that we did something malicious. You know, like the Bitches of Eastwick coming out of the woodwork, claiming that we had sex with Tiger Woods, (I’m breching at the thought, but would happily take the million bucks).

The Bitches of Eastwick are scurrying for their million dollar hush money payouts.

The Bitches of Eastwick are scurrying for their million dollar hush money payouts.

Or sneaking into the White House illegally like Michaele and Tareq Salahi the desperadoes du jour.

Did you see this Satruday Night Live skit slamming the Salahis? Click on image.

Did you see this Satruday Night Live skit slamming the Salahis? Click on image.

Or perhaps like Courtney (more facial fillers now) Love, accusing Britney Spears‘ dad, Jamie Spears of molesting his daughter.

Fresh Cheek? GALORE. And I heard a story about Courtney and her overall hygiene that would keep my mouth shut if I were here.

Cheeks? GALORE. And I heard a story about Courtney's hygiene habits that would keep my mouth shut from dishing anyone, plenty.

All we did was post the cover image of Lindsay to highlight this groovy photo shoot and the endless comments and opinions were flying. The 18-page photo spread with accompanying two-minute video featuring Lindsay, Petey Wright and Sofia Boutella is a beautifully staged (and lit) fashion editorial that will be released this week through various media outlets. But yikes, some of the comments that people were making, were a real eye opener for me. I Mean…Who?!? cares what some schnook from Nowhere thinks about how Lindsay is managing her career? I Mean…Why?!? does Lindsay doing a provocative fashion editorial bother you so much? And I Mean…How?!? do you like it when people chime in on your life choices? Like your mother. Here’s what I recommend to all you haters:

  1. Click away from the sight.
  2. Take a deep breath.
  3. Move on…and while your at it…get a life.

    Lindsay should record Michael Jackson's Scream, should she do another album.

    I'd love to see Lindsay re-record Michael Jackson's Scream.

If Lindsay wanted career advise from you or some random blogger on Jezebel, she’d Twitter y’all directly. I guess I have to just let this all go, because I ain’t changing the world. But I can assure you…neither are any of you who are compelled to rant about someone that is simply living her life…no, I did not say “living her life simply”…on the contrary, you are! Fotz.

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4 responses to “The Endless Lindsay Lohan Comments”

  1. Ruth says:

    I agree with you Abe, people are too invested in Lindsay's life, and by life, i mean gossip.

  2. ericka says:

    yeah, i'm a little confused. where did all that come from? peeps need to calm down. i don't get the whole gay/lesbian/man/woman thing. it's a photo shoot. that's it. i'm not a fan of LL, but I don't dislike her, either. pretty neutral. i'm always amazed at the people who thrust all these 'messages' on celebrities, even when they don't exist. OMG! she was dating a woman, and now she's taking provocative (we assume, because we haven't SEEN) photos with a man!!!! whoa. big shocker there. what will the world think????

    there is great need for sarcasm font. 🙂

  3. this is one of the coolest sites i've had the pleasure to come across. You show yourself to really know what youre talking about. Im going to come back every day just to see what you got. Please keep up the good work.

  4. Kaiden says:

    Knocked my socks off with konlwedge!

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