This hunk should be numero uno in the new ratings...but...
Upon reading the dismal report on Anderson Cooper’s ratings woes, I wanted to give CNN a heads up on what they can do to sway the tide. First of all, Anderson Cooper is adorable. And when he is reporting from New Orleans, or Iraq and even the top of the Beverly Center in Los Angeles, that’s when he is most compelling. Also, you can’t compare the bubble that we were in during the most exciting election cycle in U.S. History. Of course his ratings from that period could not be sustained. What makes Anderson interesting besides his crisp, clear blue eyes: he’s the first gorgeous news anchor and NOT some paunchy, over-the-top Fox News-y or MSNBC-ish loudmouth. Thank goodness for that. Instead, he is the thinking person’s news anchor. And since we are no longer in the 1960’s where Chet Huntley and David Brinkley reported deadpan (still the preferred format for all news shows) we have a guy that could bring news to the next century…the one we are in. His set should be much more informal, not quite Mr. Rogers, but somewhere less news-desk-y uptight. Nor should he wear a suit and tie everynight. Relax girl, mix it up. And his guests should not only be the same friggen bloviators that rotate on the CNN. Toodles Jeffrey Toobin and Ali Velshi. I mean…what?!? Who cares what they have to say. At least when when Anderson and Erika Hill banter, it’s cute. The 360 format should be a news/talk hybrid. There’s far more interesting talent that would happily come and talk about the news of the day. And by the time Anderson gets on the airwaves, the news has been hashed and rehashed. So CNN, listen up. Compete with the endless annoying network “dramedies” and cop shows on the 10PM time slot. Make Anderson’s show fresh and exciting. Why have Jay Leno slaughter him completely. Anyhoo…that’s my 2 cents.
And now here are a few news items that are thoroughly newsworthy:

Word is: Conan Obrien's new show ws beyond un-funny.

Lindsay is in Paris haggling with House of Emanuel Ungaro to come on as design consultant. I thought she is a partying actress? Am I missing something here?

Nicole dropped out of Woody Allen's new movie. Is this the face of an Ashley Dupre-type hooker...or her grandmother? Now you know why she dropped out.

A Vogue staffer has swine flu. See what fashionistas will wear this flu season.

Obama to scare the beJesus out of Iranian diplomats by force feeding them corn-dogs and Sabrett's hot dogs...our weapons of mass destruction.
I totally agree with you on Anderson Cooper. He is the best on cable news now. CNN need to give him a new format the elections are over and his show needs to go in a new direction. He is now a talking head he is a real reporter who uses his brains! I would watch him more offen then I do now, but I dont need the opions of the rest of the team he has on. Just my opion.
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