More Bla Bla on "madonna"
Do not go gently into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. So wrote Dylan Thomas as he watched his father grow frail with age. Not sure why, but I thought of this poem while reading the lead story in the New York Post about Madonna’s boy-toy…do I hate that expression…Jesus Luz. For there to be a lead story on Madonna’s poontang du jour, we must follow the bouncing publicist. This just means that Madge…a nickname I don’t really like…must have let out the Liz Rosenberg… Read More »
Madonna and Bono…Stop, Now.
Two of my favorite celebrities need to take a massive chill pill and stay out of the limelight for…like…several years. Madonna and Bono, I have had just about enough of each of you. Unless you are singing a song from your repertoire, I don’t need to hear another bleeding-heart word, new song, concert tour updates…nothing. I applaud your efforts with the utmost respect and get how important AIDS drugs and schools in Malawi are. You guys are amazing. But frankly, much has been accomplished in this world by people who were not constantly heat-seeking the glare and scrutiny of the… Read More »
Leave Madonna Alone
Now I’ve heard everything; indirectly comparing Madonna to Michael Jackson about her obsession with children. I kid you not, and I quote: “The children of the world are not safe, as long as Madonna’s midlife crisis rages unchecked.” This is from an article written by Andrea Peyser, the horrendous Republican that writes for the New York Post. (Granted, I should not read that rag, but Page Six…come on.) Peyser continues to rip Madonna a new asshole for wanting to go to Africa and adopt another child, this time a little three-year-old girl named Mercy. Excuse me, Andrea dear, but the… Read More »

What Is A Fotzy Balloon?
For those of you who do not quite know what a Fotzy Balloon is, I figured this is a critical moment to explain it since the fotzy balloons are coming. So…What is FOTZY or FOTZ ? Etymology: What started out as a sarcastic reference to something, someone, well, anything, that “thinks” or acts like they are way too fascinating. It’s started as a sarcastic dishy slam: “Oh, they’re fascinating”. And evolved to… “Well, aren’t they fotzinating”. Which shrunk down to… “They are fotzy”. Which became… “Fotzy Balloons.” And finally… “Fotz”. Here are a few examples: Bing is fotz. What Madonna… Read More »

“It’s All About Paris Bitches”
In all my thousand years on Earth, I have not felt such a palpable energy about Paris Fashion Week. With Lanvin so breathtaking, Rick Owens beyond cool and Balenciaga so interesting, I am green with envy at the editors sitting front row at the upcoming Yves Saint Laurent and Christian Dior shows. Relegated to sitting behind my desk like many sad bloggers, I can at least rejoice at the heralded return to the glory days of Paris fashion. There was a time when New York Fashion Week stole a bit of the thunder, when celebrities were not ruining the front… Read More »

MDNA: The New Drug
httpv:// Yes, her venture into the schmatta business annoyed me, but when it comes to Madonna and her music, she is the grooviest. (Goo-Goo GaGa) I love Madonna’s new video Girl Gone Wild, the ad for her new Truth or Dare fragrance, and the recent performance at the Super Bowl. All the naysayers can take a powder. And when I say powder, I mean some MDMA, and then they should listen to Into The Groove…and you can dance. httpv://… Read More »

Reason #1 To Stop Bullying
Please take 3 minutes of your precious time to watch this video. It is beyond touching and I beg you to consider the message and share this link.… Read More »

Jesus Christ Superstar
Last night, I went to the opening of Jesus Christ Superstar. While anxiously waiting to get into the theater, a slew of theater types gawked at the red carpet featuring unrecognizable people, except Carmella Soprano and the blond in Smash. I thought back to 1971 when I first saw the play. What was groundbreaking about the show then, and in fact still now, is that Jesus Christ Superstar is not your run of the mill theater going entertainment, which plagues much of the Great White Way. THANK GOD. And when I say God, I may even be referring to Jesus… Read More »

When I learned of Demi’s overdose last weekend, I immediately wrote a piece that included the below entry from November, titled Cougar Fatigue. My sweet nephew was appalled and asked me to take it down. But after I learned the details of what happened that night—which I will NOT share here—as always I was right. So here it is again. Cougar Fatigue is clearly what Demi Moore was suffering from. But now, I guess we can say that Demi is now officially suffering from Post Cougar Fatigue. A syndrome that older women and even older gay men suffer from. Keeping… Read More »

Death Of The Manzie
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to bid a fond farewell to The Manzie*. (*See below meaning of Manzie for those of you new comers.) What was once a vibrant, hysterical fashion statement that captivated the runways of Milan and Paris—heck and New York for that matter—looks that left us speechless, or gagging anyway, have now gone to that great fashion graveyard beyond… Ebay. Who won’t miss those retarded styles by Thom Browne, or some of those collections from Rick Owens and Walter Van Beirendonck’s Big Bird ensembles from Spring ’10? And surely we can never forget that madcap John… Read More »