More Bla Bla on "target"

Stop Bullying Now
Speaking of bullying, I saw the film, Bully the weekend it opened. A touching, moving, slightly long film that shows the loss and heartbreak associated with bullying. I would have liked to have seen a couple of examples of upwardly mobile kids getting bullied because bullying is not a mid-west, low-income, rural issue. It is a national… rather global affair. Reading the article by Lee Hirsch, the director in today’s Huff Po, I wonder if all the hype and attention has the power to change man’s inner bastard. One can only hope, but chances are unless strict punishment goes… Read More »

When someone is this overtly obvious about their life and intentions, it is almost impossible not to pass judgment, just gas. Kim Kardashian does whatever she can on a daily basis to be in the news. Those few weeks when she was relegated to obscurity, she was Jones-ing like a drug addict going cold turkey. She is an addict though. Addicted to herself and that pouty face. Pursed lips drive me bonkers. Poor Kanye West. The president thinks he’s a jack-ass and so do I for obsessing on this thing.… Read More »

Just so you all know, I am turning over a new leaf and adding a fundraising component to I Mean What by supporting charities I believe in or the one’s that my friends twist my arm to promote. The Free Arts NYC Annual Art Auction is a little of both. I worked on a project with Free Arts NYC a couple years ago, they are a great group that support arts for kids. (Photo: Inez & Vinoodh at Free Arts NYC Annual Art Auction)… Read More »

Nothing is more infuriating than NBC’s desperate attempt to compete with ABC’s Good Morning America as the ratings war heats up. Katie Couric will be the co-host on GMA on Tuesday (tomorrow) morning since she is under contract with an upcoming talk show. To battle that move, Today Show booked Sarah Palin to go up against her as their co-host with Matt Lauer. Since Ann Curry has been at the helm, the reviews for Today Show could not be worse. NBC must have freaked out when they heard that Katie Couric was on board for hosting duties. But of all… Read More »

Co-Founders, Darryl “DMC” McDaniels (Run DMC AND Rock and Roll Hall of Famer) and Sheila Jaffe, (Emmy Award winning Casting Director of “The Sopranos” and “Entourage”) are both adoptees who have searched for their birth families. Darryl and Sheila decided to start THE FELIX ORGANIZATION/ Adoptees For Children in February 2006. Penny Marshall directed their PSA starring Ryan Kwanten, Steven Tyler, Beverly D’Angelo, Carrie Fisher, Dan Aykroyd, Chuy Bravo, Jim Belushi, and many more.… Read More »

It is the morning after having seen The Adopted, (Les adoptés), a wonderful film by French actress and pop singer Mélanie Laurent. I cannot stop thinking about it. The Adopted is not only Mélanie’s directorial debut, but this stunning actress also wrote the piece and stars in it. Triple threat much? Rather, quadruple, let’s not forget the singing thing. On the way to the screening, I thought, “The Adopted, must be a documentary about adopting kids from Africa, some kind of actress vanity project or perhaps something personal along the lines of Angelina Jolie’s In the Land of Blood and… Read More »

El Paseo Fashion Week?!?
It has been a while since commenting on the bastardization of the term Fashion Week. Couple years ago, they seemed to be popping up in every God knows where and forsaken location on Earth. Reading back from older IMW posts, I found an entry which included a plan to put an end to all of them besides New York, London, Milan and Paris. Guess my plan never was activated because I just discovered another one… El Paseo Fashion Week. Where is that you ask? It just does not matter because it needs to stop now. Look, I understand that a… Read More »

Reason #1 To Stop Bullying
Please take 3 minutes of your precious time to watch this video. It is beyond touching and I beg you to consider the message and share this link.… Read More »

Jersey Schnorr
One is pregnant, one is off to rehab, one is freelancing with Britney Spears, one went home to recover from depression, one needs to shut up. Can we just say that MTV’s Jersey Shore is over? So what, Season Six will be filmed at Dr. Drew Pinksy’s Celebrity Rehab with The Situation who discovers that this is a bad situation? Will Snooki be fist-bumping with Giuseppe at Lamaze Classes, or whatever her fiance’s name is? Will JWoww and DJ Pauly go to a singles dance to find new friends? Will Ronnie and Sammi tie the knot, only to find out… Read More »

Restylane and Juvederm and Collagen, oh my! As a staunch supporter of anything that improves anything, I want to introduce you to a new product, Concentré de Collagène by Roy Teeluck—an innovative, concentrated collagen serum for healthy hair and scalp. Collagen for the hair, you ask? The results are astonishing: from shinier, healthier hair to fuller, more voluminous blow-outs. The product infuses much-needed collagen in its whole molecular form into the scalp, which nurtures and replenishes the skin. Concentré de Collagène promotes an enriched environment for your hair to maintain its optimal health as it grows. Roy’s clients are enjoying… Read More »