Posts Tagged «Abe Gurko»
Making Sex Unsexy
You can call me a lot of things, but a prude is not one of them. Though this week, having had an earful of utter nonsense regarding these middle-aged, Republican men and their illicit sex romps, I may come off a bit puritanical. Excuse me for acting all Queen Victoria, but I do not need to have the visuals of Mark Sanford, Silvio Berlusconi or John Ensign…naked with some hooker…dancing in my head. And with the amount of attention to these guys have received, it’s there, stuck in my head, and I need to get them out. All the Manzie’s… Read More »
Earlier in the week I did a report on the Milan Men’s Shows an noticed a burgeoning trend that I lovingly call the “Season of the Manzie”. Now, maybe I need to clarify here. A Man-zie is not like a Dandy, nor is it like a Pansy, hence the revised spelling. In my book, a Pansy doesn’t necessarily need to dress effeminately in order to be called a Pansy by a bunch of blokes. On the contrary. They just need to have a sisssing “S” in their speech or run with their arms flailing or become cheerleaders. A Dandy on… Read More »
Milan Men’s Shows…What The Man-zie Will Be Wearing Next Spring
Several weeks ago, I noticed a trend in men’s fashion that goes beyond metrosexual (a.k.a. frigid bi-curious), which was screaming out for its own moniker…hence…Man-zies. Man-zies are categorically “quirky”, which in men, is never a good thing. From the “quirky man-hat” to overly printed shorts to neckie scarves worn for no reason, like in warm weather, the Man-zie can be seen everywhere these days. It’s the evolution of the men’s fashion industry, I guess, but somehow, even on the runway, it doesn’t work. As the Milan Men’s Shows are in full bloom, one couldn’t help noticing that there was a… Read More »
The I Mean…What?!? Clinking Clanking Clattering Collection Of Collagenous Junk News
What is The I Mean…What?! Clinking Clanking Clattering Collection Of Collagenous Junk News, you ask? What else, a recap of this week’s “not really” news as told through images. You can also call it, the Hodge Podge Lodge News and for the sake of levity and brevity, the “This Is News News?” So, without any further ado and no particular order of relevance or irrelevance:… Read More »
Today I am taking the day off from cracking jokes or making fun of anyone. My heart is heavy for the people of Iran. Today they need my–and all of our–support…at least in spirit. I wrote earlier this week about how I felt their pain as they took to the streets demanding their voices be heard. Well, they have been heard, but sadly, that will not change their lives as they live in a dictatorship. Sure, the politics of their government do not reflect mine, but nor does it reflect theirs. Today, I stand in solidarity with the people of… Read More »
No matter what is happening on the world stage, here in the United States, we always manage to drum up and incredibly unimportant story that effects very few people, but somehow becomes front page news…a.k.a. fodder for the tabloids. In a world where innocent people are being slaughtered, human rights negated, children being trafficked and wars abound, Katie Lee Joel and Yigal Azrouel managed to become a big story in the daily rags and naturally, I couldn’t resist such a riveting headline. Who could? Where shall I start.… Read More »
This week, it seems like living in Tehran would be a bit more interesting than in New York City. As an ex-hippie leftover, who took to the streets for any cause back in the 1970’s, clad in frayed Landlubber, orange-stitched, bell-bottom jeans, tie-dyed T-shirts and Nehru jackets, we were strong, we were invincible, we were…well…you know how the song goes. The backlash against Mamoud Ahmadinejad has struck a chord deep in the hearts and minds of the Iranian people, many within the youth culture and somehow, I had a pang of jealousy, because they were…out in force…in the streets…screaming for… Read More »
Is Everybody High Line?
In case you have been living under a rock in New York City, then you will surely know that the long-awaited High Line opened its pearly gates this week…after much toiling and trepidation. Finally, you can stroll down this lovely patch of whatever it is, that stretches from the Meatpacking District to Far West Chelsea. This, naturally, suits me just fine as I live on one end and have a client on the other. It’s as though they built this little walk-way just for me. And a stunning patch of thing it is….at night it’s amazing. Thank you New York… Read More »
The CFDA Fashion Don’ts or The I MEAN…WHAT?! Not Best Dressed Awards
There’s nothing like an awards show to warm the cockles of my heart. It gives me a chance to put forth the I MEAN…WHAT?!? Not Best Dressed List. And last night, the CFDA Awards did not disappoint. There were some mini doozies…but doozies, just the same. It is probably best that I MEAN..WHAT?!? put out the Not Best Dressed List since we are not “true” fashion insiders and objectivity is the key. A “true” fashion insider is not likely to say something like, “What the hell was Aerin Lauder wearing, doesn’t she own a mirror?” because a true fashion insider… Read More »
Washington DC Is Having A Hollywood Moment…Really?!?
Last week I suggested a new reality show, Real Housewives of the Republican Party, which would surely have been a jagoonza hit. Come to find out, that my idea was already in the air, as they are currently casting for Real Housewives of Washington DC. But, knowing that lame Bravo format, they will just cast bunch of pretentious wanna-bees, like they do in every other city, and the train wreck that will ensue, will just be like watching every other episode, insert city here…truly not that riveting. My show, however, would have been far more interesting and current. Since I… Read More »