Posts Tagged «Abe Gurko»
What do these three have in common you ask? Well, not much, besides the fact that they are in this weekend’s news. And when I say in the news, I say that with maximum sarcasm. Jennifer Aniston was honored by some Women in Film Crystal Award or some such nonsense, because her films are so deep and meaningful. At least the redeeming quality of Jennifer is that she can finally poke fun at herself about the joke that is her love life. In her acceptance speech earlier this week, she said, “I have a strange parallel with movies I was… Read More »
It Is An Abomination That Perez Hilton Gets Away With Such Low Flying Crap
Words cannot describe how annoyed I am that Perez Hilton released those photos of Dustin Lance Black in the full monty and every other position on Earth. As it is, I have drastically reduced my Perez viewing over the past several months. Had I not gone to Gawker, I would have missed this entry. But, I didn’t and I am fuming. That a gay man in the position of such power (Perez) would not do his damn best to protect an important gay talent is unconscionable. And why the hell didn’t Dustin’s publicist put the kabosh on those images? Someone… Read More »
OMG…I have come up with the most brilliant new TV show on Earth! The Real Housewives of The Republican Party. Come on. Admit it. It’s geniositude. Talk about watching a train wreck. This friggen show has more potential viewership than American Idol. Heck, Fox News would run streaming video all day of these Housewives’ shenanigans. I am obsessed with this idea. And if some fledgling cable network steals this show idea, let it be stated for the record, that on this day, June 12, 2009, I MEAN…WHAT?!? claimed a show which features political housewives wives. See you at the Emmy… Read More »
The Thing I Hate About Hate
What a weird day for news. An octogenarian storms the Holocaust Museum? What is this man’s fitness and diet regiment and get me on it right now. That this guy, who most probably had arthritis could be so swift as to outmaneuver a security guard, lift a rifle and boom? I mean…what?!? This tragedy struck a chord deep within me as my mother was a Holocaust survivor. If anyone had the right to be a hater, it was her and her friends that survived the concentration camps. Not some old, gross, goat who survived St. Louis, Missouri. In fact, hate… Read More »
I’m Asking AND I’m Telling
Policy shmolicy. Who wants to join a group that doesn’t let you be who you are and cultivate the best in you? Gays want to be in the military? For what? The clothes? I am confused. Are you trying to tell me that grunting along some dusty patch of Middle Eastern soil is what you really want to go for? What about shopping on Madison? Or happy hours in Chelsea (NYC). The term “gay” kicked in the 1960’s and since then, the reference to homosexuality has shifted to a light, frothy, sexy lifestyle filled with booze, drugs and dancing. No?… Read More »
Republicans Take The NY Senate Majority…Help, I’m Not A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here!
I simply must get political with you for one minute. Sure, Obama’s in (yay) and Republicans are dwindling like ad revenues from glossy magazines (boo), but something extremely odd happened yesterday in the state of New York and I am not sure what to do about this. For sure I need to share my histrionics. In a horrendous twist of fate, two Senate Democrats in New York state have crossed the aisle to become (shudder at the thought) REPUBLICANS! This is as bad, worse, than Darth Vader crossing over to the Dark Side. This is like the Evil Empire Strikes… Read More »
The Continuation of Red Carpet Nonsense
Between the Tony Awards and The Young Hollywood Awards, there was much fodder to fiddle with as stars rolled down the red carpet and made their usual attempt to grab that extra bit of spotlight. Sure, the Tony’s don’t get the same rush and sizzle of The Young Hollywood Awards or the MTV Movie Awards, but you might see a little more grace and elegance-ish. There were plenty of red carpet mistakes last night on both coasts. I’d like to give props to the theater community crowd because it all starts and ends with the craft of acting. Somewhere along… Read More »
Bing Bang Boing
I’ve been an underdog my whole life. First as Jewish kid being raised in a predominantly anti-Semitic, blue-collar, armpit of a town in New Jersey. Second as a fat kid being raised in the pre-obese kids era that we live in now. I could go on, but will spare you my heartbreaking saga (the book is being written, naturally). As a new “blogger”, I am in the underdog position again, since there are 7 million to 10 million active blogs on in the Internet at any given time. Reading today’s Style Section of The New York Times (yes, I still… Read More »
Death By…What?
Far be it from me to let this David Carradine story go by without commenting on it. Naturally, I wish the Carradine family much peace at this horrible time. But he died of what? How? Where? What? Huh? As a product of the swinging 70’s, my sexual proclivities were quite risque, as were most people’s then, thanks to Quaaludes. If you never did one, it is hard to describe. You took a Lude and ended up in someone else’s bed. Period. My friend Nancy was known to say, “That tree is beginning to look sexy” and off she’d go to… Read More »
Everyday there is at least one story in the headlines that peaks my interest…rather…hits my annoyance bone…hence, my daily I MEAN…WHAT?!? Today was special. Nothing really struck my fancy. Sure, I could go on and on about Barack Obama’s little speech in Cairo (and when I say little, I mean that in the most loving way) but, eh, I’ll let the Republicans and Israelis chew on that one. I saw part of the speech and have no opinion either way. He’s a fabulous speaker, so what else is new? The issues with the Muslim world, especially beyond their own borders,… Read More »