Posts Tagged «Angelina Jolie»

YSL: So Black Is The New Black
Finally, black is the new black. We have been swathed in jewel tones, neons, sherbert colors, and even Fifty Shades of Fruity Pebbles have ended up on a runway or two. … Read More »

It is the morning after having seen The Adopted, (Les adoptés), a wonderful film by French actress and pop singer Mélanie Laurent. I cannot stop thinking about it. The Adopted is not only Mélanie’s directorial debut, but this stunning actress also wrote the piece and stars in it. Triple threat much? Rather, quadruple, let’s not forget the singing thing. On the way to the screening, I thought, “The Adopted, must be a documentary about adopting kids from Africa, some kind of actress vanity project or perhaps something personal along the lines of Angelina Jolie’s In the Land of Blood and… Read More »

Kim Kardashian’s Konundrum
Oy vey. What a difference a day makes. There is a book out today called Celebrity Inc. that speaks to the tacky ways people make money off their fifteen minutes of fame. Written by Jo Piazza, writer for the New York Daily News, he is already predicting Kim Kardashian‘s fall from grace and her trajectory spiraling downward similar to that of Paris Hilton‘s demise a.k.a “the slippery slope to becoming the brunt of the joke then more painfully, obscurity”. Sure they still love Paris in Tokyo, which sounds like an oxymoron. But here, Paris can’t… well… can only get arrested.… Read More »

Brad Pitt: Right On The Moneyball
In a recent interview with Parade magazine, Brad Pitt suggested that his marriage to Jennifer Aniston was not making him happy or fulfilled. Now that is a rare honest comment that makes me like Brad even more. Page Six reports that a Brad backlash is brewing and Jennifer fans are boycotting his new film, Moneyball. Surely you remember the hullabaloo between Team Jennifer & Team Angelina when Brad and Jen broke up because of Angelina Jolie, who went on to become Mr. & Mrs. Smith. The dormant faction of Team Jennifer loyalists laying in wait for moments like this is… Read More »

Couple of weeks ago, with an itch to see a summer film, though the offering so far seems lackluster, we were this close to seeing Super 8 when a review in The New York Times by Manohla Dargis lead us to, of all places, Bad Teacher. According to Ms. Dargis, this film was one step away from a Carole Lombard screwball comedy directed by Howard Hawks. Clearly, someone drank the Kool-Aid or some kind of liquid substance before seeing this film, that not being me. Dumbstruck, we sat through the movie wondering what the attraction was for Manohla. Have I… Read More »

Why Do Celebrities Cheat Down?!?
In light of the release of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s baby mamma’s photo today, we here at IMW were sitting around pondering the phenomenon of celebrities cheating down rather than cheating up. Actually, unless you have other for instances, the only celebrity to actually cheat up–and I mean in a big way–was Brad Pitt to Angelina Jolie from Jennifer Aniston. Besides that, the trend, for lack of a better word, is for the celebrity to troll around for haggy poontang and getting it. Here are a few such examples. Please follow us on or Like Us on Facebook.… Read More »

Who Are Our Kate & William?
Fresh off the heels of the most romantic moment in couples history, I am left wondering who we have in the United States that can remotely be called our own royal couple. Enter Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson. Don’t look now but the slow burn of promoting the next and final-ish chapters of the Twilight Saga has begun, kicking off with an exclusive cover story in Entertainment Weekly. The timing seems intentional, can’t you hear them in the EW cover meeting now, “Let’s put Bella and Edward on the cover, America is drunk with romance thanks to the Royal Wedding“.… Read More »
It is a sad day indeed. My favorite Hollywood icon, Elizabeth Taylor, passed away this morning. My sister and I were talking about how amazing she was and that no one comes close to her stature and grace. She had an incredible impact on our society though her life’s work of spearheading and supporting the HIV/AIDS community. That, coupled with her amazing talent and divine beauty, well, there’s no one like her in Hollywood anymore. It is truly the end of Hollywood glamour. Yeah, you can mention Angelina Jolie…ish. But as the sun sets on Dame Elizabeth Taylor, please take… Read More »
Clearly I am not a Jennifer Aniston fan. Not since last century when Friends was one of my favorite shows and I pined for “The Rachel” hairdo. I still do, but that is because I have no hair so I’ll take anything. No, after observing Jennifer in certain situations (lush) when I lived in Los Angeles, it took the wind of out the sail of loving Jennifer Aniston. Besides, the show was canceled by then and she changed up her hair. When she married Brad Pitt, I wondered if this was a Hollywood gay cover-up because they had the same… Read More »
Dancing With Sad Hags
Fortunately, I am not one of the 23 million people tuning in to watch Dancing With The Stars. Never have, never will. As far as I am concerned, it is the place where sad hags go to pasture. It is The Biggest Loser set to music. There’s nothing stars about DWTS. A star to me will always be something greater than who the media touts as being a star. Angelina Jolie is a star. Brandy is not. Robert Downey Jr. is a star, The Situation is not. Another non-star is Bristol Palin. Excuse me, but having a child out of… Read More »