Posts Tagged «barack the vote»

“Big Bird, Bye Bye”
Big Bird fly, Big Bird fly. Into the light of the dark black night. – The Beatles Pack up all my care and woe, here I go, singing low… bye bye Big Bird. – Nina Simone Big Bird’s days are numbered. And so is the entire cast of Sesame Street, that is if Mitt Romney has his druthers. What we learned at the first Presidential debate, besides the fact that Mitt Romney will say whatever you want to hear, is that Big Bird and Jim Lehrer’s days are numbered, that is IF he gets into the White House. httpv:// Frankly,… Read More »

httpv:// Watch Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian tell you to Barack The Vote. Best slogan ever… Vote Bitches. Don’t you wonder who The Kardashians are going to vote for come November? Well look no further than this new Public Service Announcement from the Bizarro World Kardashian Sisters.… Read More »

Paul Ryan: Ol’ Blue Eyes
And if the theory of advertising is “sex sells”, then Paul Ryan is to politics that Brooke Shields was to Calvin Klein.… Read More »

Kim Kardashian was photographed with Hulk Hogan, like the day his gross sex tape came out in the press. Does the expression, “Water seeks its own level” apply here? That would be yes. Remember kiddies, what made Kim Kardashian famous in the first place was her sex tape with the other black guy, Ray J. Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t Ray J the guy that was with Whitney Houston until her untimely, sad demise? Oh what strange webs we weave. httpv:// Speaking of weaves, when will Kim Kardashian and the Klan launch the hair extension kollection to… Read More »